Investments in long term tangible and intangible assets, by sources of financ...
Investments in long term tangible and intangible assets, by sources of financing, 2017 -
Wfs geom
Wfs geom -
At-risk-of-poverty rate 2004-2016
At-risk-of-poverty rate 2004-2016 -
Lipas 2290 petanque halli
Lipas 2290 petanque halli -
CSEM 3 d surveys
CSEM 3 d surveys -
Geotermi polygon til test af 3 D-link fra polygon
Geotermi polygon til test af 3 D-link fra polygon -
Miljøzoner -
Parkering: Forbudszoner i Silkeborg Kommune
Parkering: Forbudszoner i Silkeborg Kommune -
Cykeltaxi rødzone
Cykeltaxi rødzone -
Delavrinningsområden SVAR 2016
Delavrinningsområden SVAR 2016 -
Marine kornstoerrelseanalyser
Marine kornstoerrelseanalyser -
008 -- 4. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot ja verot iän ja sukupuolen mu...
008 -- 4. Tulonsaajien luku, veronalaiset tulot ja verot iän ja sukupuolen mukaan 2007 -
904 -- Avoimet työpaikat suuralueen (2012) mukaan 2003-2012
904 -- Avoimet työpaikat suuralueen (2012) mukaan 2003-2012 -
Domestic patent applications and patents granted to enterprises and associati...
Domestic patent applications and patents granted to enterprises and associations by industry (TOL 2002) in 2000-2008 -
009 -- Yritysten tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnan menot rahoituslähteen mukaa...
009 -- Yritysten tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminnan menot rahoituslähteen mukaan henkilöstön suuruusluokittain 1995-2017 -
HICP - all items - annual average indices
HICP - all items - annual average indices -
010 -- Output and employment by sub-regional unit 2000-2016*, 19 industries
010 -- Output and employment by sub-regional unit 2000-2016*, 19 industries -
Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2004, Lapin vaalipiiri
Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2004, Lapin vaalipiiri -
Numbers and income of dwelling population and household-dwelling units by age...
Numbers and income of dwelling population and household-dwelling units by age of refence person in 1995-2016 -
904 -- Asuntoyhteisöjen hoitokulut ja tuotot vuosina 1980 - 2008
904 -- Asuntoyhteisöjen hoitokulut ja tuotot vuosina 1980 - 2008 -
People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by income quintile
People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by income quintile -
11 l 1 -- Job vacancies by quarter, 2013 Q 1-2018 Q 4
11 l 1 -- Job vacancies by quarter, 2013 Q 1-2018 Q 4 -
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017
008 -- Nominal rate of return by industry 1975-2017 -
008 -- Ulkomaisen tuonnin käyttötaulukko perushintaan 2002, milj. euroa
008 -- Ulkomaisen tuonnin käyttötaulukko perushintaan 2002, milj. euroa -
009 -- Innovation activity according to a form of enterprise and industry 200...
009 -- Innovation activity according to a form of enterprise and industry 2008-2016, share of enterprises -
5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and compari...
Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure, those indicated with * were elected -
7.2. Municipal elections 2012, support for parties by region
7.2. Municipal elections 2012, support for parties by region -
003 -- Prevalence of equipment and connections in households 1997-2018
003 -- Prevalence of equipment and connections in households 1997-2018 -
010 -- Vital statistics and population by area in 1987 to 2017
010 -- Vital statistics and population by area in 1987 to 2017 -
11 t 2 -- Sales of oil products in Finland, 2017 M 01-2019 M 02
11 t 2 -- Sales of oil products in Finland, 2017 M 01-2019 M 02