Household final consumption expenditure 1957-1990
Household final consumption expenditure 1957-1990 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2013-2015
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2013-2015 -
EUOGA Water stress
EUOGA Water stress -
Mortality rate by age group, sex, area, 1980-2017
Mortality rate by age group, sex, area, 1980-2017 -
Liikenne -
Katujen kunnossapidon tilannekuva
Katujen kunnossapidon tilannekuva -
HM 01110 Causes of death in 107 groups, by sex (2007-2016)
HM 01110 Causes of death in 107 groups, by sex (2007-2016) -
Agricultural holdings by age of holder
Agricultural holdings by age of holder -
AM 02011 Unemployment in number and pct. by sex (1995 M 04-2018 M 07)
AM 02011 Unemployment in number and pct. by sex (1995 M 04-2018 M 07) -
Graduations at the upper secondary level by diploma, age and sex 1995-2016
Graduations at the upper secondary level by diploma, age and sex 1995-2016 -
Households in financial difficulties by income, 2004-2012
Households in financial difficulties by income, 2004-2012 -
Students learning foreign languages by term, sex and language, 1999-2017
Students learning foreign languages by term, sex and language, 1999-2017 -
Part-time employment rate
Part-time employment rate -
AM 02021 Unemployment by sex, age and region (1995 M 04-2018 M 07)
AM 02021 Unemployment by sex, age and region (1995 M 04-2018 M 07) -
Duration of working life
Duration of working life -
Rutenett 1 km
Rutenett 1 km -
Gas prices by type of user
Gas prices by type of user -
External trade 2017
External trade 2017 -
Emodnet offshore mineral points
Emodnet offshore mineral points -
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, Korttelinosa
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, Korttelinosa -
Average population by urban nuclei, age and sex 2011-2017
Average population by urban nuclei, age and sex 2011-2017 -
IP 01030 Income by category, age, sex and region (2009-2016)
IP 01030 Income by category, age, sex and region (2009-2016) -
Air transport of goods
Air transport of goods -
Factor income in tourism, volume indices, 2000-2006
Factor income in tourism, volume indices, 2000-2006 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011 -
Imports by division of the SITC Rev. 2, 1977-1987
Imports by division of the SITC Rev. 2, 1977-1987 -
PMG 020. Life expectancy by age and sex
PMG 020. Life expectancy by age and sex -
NBG 100. Employed by occupation and sex
NBG 100. Employed by occupation and sex -
Main aggregated results, 2009-2017
Main aggregated results, 2009-2017 -
New infringement cases
New infringement cases