Assets, sum of percentiles, 1997-2016
Assets, sum of percentiles, 1997-2016 -
Operating accounts by division, paired enterprises 2007 and 2008
Operating accounts by division, paired enterprises 2007 and 2008 -
Life expectancy at birth by years,sex and areas, 1958-2017
Life expectancy at birth by years,sex and areas, 1958-2017 -
Pupils in compulsory schools by district, sex and grade 1997-2017
Pupils in compulsory schools by district, sex and grade 1997-2017 -
Number of students by university, sex and domicile 1997-2006
Number of students by university, sex and domicile 1997-2006 -
Hki alue
Hki alue -
Deaths by districts, 1989-1998
Deaths by districts, 1989-1998 -
Catches in the Mediterranean
Catches in the Mediterranean -
Advisers to ministers 1971-2008
Advisers to ministers 1971-2008 -
Second hand smoking, European comparison
Second hand smoking, European comparison -
Primary adoptions by place of birth, age and sex 1990-2016
Primary adoptions by place of birth, age and sex 1990-2016 -
Raja -
ATG 070. Principal imports
ATG 070. Principal imports -
Smoking habits, European comparison
Smoking habits, European comparison -
Ohjeellinen tonttijako
Ohjeellinen tonttijako -
Participation by sex, age and citizenship 2018
Participation by sex, age and citizenship 2018 -
Import by SITC 3 Rev. 4, 2010-2017
Import by SITC 3 Rev. 4, 2010-2017 -
Power and influence
Power and influence -
Public committees, boards and councils by ministry 2007
Public committees, boards and councils by ministry 2007 -
EUOGA Countries
EUOGA Countries -
Participation by sex, age and municipality 2018
Participation by sex, age and municipality 2018 -
Students by level, broad fields of study, age and sex 1997-2017
Students by level, broad fields of study, age and sex 1997-2017 -
Geotermi screeningprojekter
Geotermi screeningprojekter -
Northpole graticule
Northpole graticule -
GIS:PysakointialueetTPR -
Geotermi screeningprojekter - no label
Geotermi screeningprojekter - no label -
The share of births attended by skilled health personnel, 2008-2017
The share of births attended by skilled health personnel, 2008-2017 -
TRG 060. Passenger cars per 1,000 population at end of year
TRG 060. Passenger cars per 1,000 population at end of year -
Suunnittelualue -