011 -- Gross domestic product per capita by major region 2000-2016*
011 -- Gross domestic product per capita by major region 2000-2016* -
101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Preside...
101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2012, first round. -
010 -- 6. Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income sub...
010 -- 6. Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income subject to state taxation, 2011 -
002 -- Balance sheets of investment firms, by quarter starting from 2014
002 -- Balance sheets of investment firms, by quarter starting from 2014 -
002 -- Total energy consumption by source (detailed)
002 -- Total energy consumption by source (detailed) -
11 g 2 -- Profit and loss accounts of non-life insurance companies, 2012-2017
11 g 2 -- Profit and loss accounts of non-life insurance companies, 2012-2017 -
7.2 Uusimaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in P...
7.2 Uusimaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
001 -- Deaths by sex in 1751 to 2017
001 -- Deaths by sex in 1751 to 2017 -
11 lv -- Adoptions by country of birth, age group and sex of child and type o...
11 lv -- Adoptions by country of birth, age group and sex of child and type of adoption, 1987-2017 -
103 -- 2.1. Voting data in Presidential election 2018, first round.
103 -- 2.1. Voting data in Presidential election 2018, first round. -
2.9. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in t...
2.9. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in the European Parliament elections 2009 -
5.11. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Municipal el...
5.11. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Municipal elections 2017 -
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017
007 -- Capital stocks by industry 1975-2017 -
11 hj -- Total material requirement, 1970-2017
11 hj -- Total material requirement, 1970-2017 -
004 -- Progress of studies of entrants to upper secondary education (aimed at...
004 -- Progress of studies of entrants to upper secondary education (aimed at young people) in 2010 by the end of 2013 -
11 i 7 -- Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-...
11 i 7 -- Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-class, 2017 -
002 -- Key indicators of households sector 1975-2018
002 -- Key indicators of households sector 1975-2018 -
Production in industry - energy
Production in industry - energy -
903 -- Employed labour force in cultural occupations by employer sector in 2009
903 -- Employed labour force in cultural occupations by employer sector in 2009 -
Toimipaikat kunnittain 1993-2007
Toimipaikat kunnittain 1993-2007 -
007 -- Henkilöverotus: Tiedot EU tukialueen ja tuotantosuunnan mukaan, vuodet...
007 -- Henkilöverotus: Tiedot EU tukialueen ja tuotantosuunnan mukaan, vuodet 2000-2017 -
Eduskuntavaalit 2007, puolueiden kannatus
Eduskuntavaalit 2007, puolueiden kannatus -
001 -- International trade in goods and services, 1 000 000 euros
001 -- International trade in goods and services, 1 000 000 euros -
027 -- Urban settlements by population and population density, 31 Dec 2016
027 -- Urban settlements by population and population density, 31 Dec 2016 -
026 -- Population in urban settlements and sparsely populated areas by age, s...
026 -- Population in urban settlements and sparsely populated areas by age, sex and municipality, 31 Dec 2016 -
002 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by area in...
002 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by area in 2005 to 2017 -
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municip...
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
903 -- Building and dwelling production 1990-2014
903 -- Building and dwelling production 1990-2014 -
001 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2017*, preliminary
001 -- Output and employment by major region 2000-2017*, preliminary -
003 -- Number of free-time residences by region 1970-2017
003 -- Number of free-time residences by region 1970-2017