alueen_num |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for ALUEEN_NUM. Column alueen_num has 979 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 1001 and maximum value is 7362. |
kohdetyypp |
string |
Data source did not contain a description for KOHDETYYPP. Column kohdetyypp has 979 rows, out of which 156 are empty, making the null percent 15.93. Minimum string is and maximum string is T. |
paikkatyyp |
string |
Data source did not contain a description for PAIKKATYYP. Column paikkatyyp has 979 rows, out of which 162 are empty, making the null percent 16.55. Minimum string is and maximum string is V. |
paikkojen |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for PAIKKOJEN. Column paikkojen has 979 rows, out of which 0 are empty, making the null percent 0. The column is fully populated. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 270. |
rajoitusty |
string |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJOITUSTY. Column rajoitusty has 979 rows, out of which 269 are empty, making the null percent 27.48. Minimum string is and maximum string is M. |
yopysakoin |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for YOPYSAKOIN. Column yopysakoin has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 1. |
hinta |
float |
Data source did not contain a description for HINTA. Column hinta has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 10. |
max_aika |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for MAX_AIKA. Column max_aika has 979 rows, out of which 174 are empty, making the null percent 17.77. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 24. |
raj_aika_a |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_A. Column raj_aika_a has 979 rows, out of which 174 are empty, making the null percent 17.77. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 18. |
raj_aika_p |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_P. Column raj_aika_p has 979 rows, out of which 174 are empty, making the null percent 17.77. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 23. |
raj_aika_0 |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_0. Column raj_aika_0 has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 16. |
raj_aika_1 |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_1. Column raj_aika_1 has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 23. |
raj_aika_2 |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_2. Column raj_aika_2 has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 16. |
raj_aika_3 |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for RAJ_AIKA_3. Column raj_aika_3 has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 21. |
asukaspysa |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for ASUKASPYSA. Column asukaspysa has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 1. |
talvikunno |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for TALVIKUNNO. Column talvikunno has 979 rows, out of which 166 are empty, making the null percent 16.96. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 25. |
maksuvyohy |
int |
Data source did not contain a description for MAKSUVYOHY. Column maksuvyohy has 979 rows, out of which 179 are empty, making the null percent 18.28. Minimum value is 0 and maximum value is 3. |
muuta |
string |
Data source did not contain a description for MUUTA. Column muuta has 979 rows, out of which 8 are empty, making the null percent 0.82. First 25 characters of minimum string: ... and first 25 characters of maximum string: Yla 23.2.2017, 1/... |
paivitys_p |
timestamp |
Data source did not contain a description for PAIVITYS_P. |
geom_geojson |
string |
Geometry in GeoJSON format. |
orig_extractdate |
string |
The date when the data was originally fetched from the source. |
geom_geotext |
string |
Geometry as GeoText. |
geom_center_x |
float |
Longitude of center. . |
geom_center_y |
float |
Latitude of center. . |
geom_type |
string |
Geometry type. . |