Elected representatives 2012 och 2016 by year, sex, aggregate age group, muni...
Elected representatives 2012 och 2016 by year, sex, aggregate age group, municipal body and position -
Seutukartta aluejako kuntarajat
Seutukartta aluejako kuntarajat -
Future population of municipalities by municipality, age group, year and scen...
Future population of municipalities by municipality, age group, year and scenario -
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 80...
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 80-84, on 31 Dec -
Population morbidity, by main classes of diseases, 2001-2017
Population morbidity, by main classes of diseases, 2001-2017 -
Cases of HIV Infection Transmission among Men Who Have Sex with Men per 100,0...
The dataset collection consists of a table titled 'Cases of HIV Infection Transmission among Men Who Have Sex with Men per 100,000 Men in Finland'. This dataset collection is... -
TRG 410. Road traffic accidents in statistical regions and cities under state...
TRG 410. Road traffic accidents in statistical regions and cities under state jurisdiction -
Katuosoitteet -
Firedemo short line lithosphere 2016
Firedemo short line lithosphere 2016 -
Helsingin työväestön asunto-olot vuonna 1900, tietoa asukkaiden lukumäärästä
Helsingin työväestön asunto-olot vuonna 1900, tietoa asukkaiden lukumäärästä -
Vantaan kaupungin tietojärjestelmäluettelo
Vantaan kaupungin tietojärjestelmäluettelo -
Resident population by age group, years, area and sex as of January 1, 2000-2018
Resident population by age group, years, area and sex as of January 1, 2000-2018 -
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clien...
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clients aged 80-84 -
The main characteristics of age limit pensioners, in territorial aspect, 2008...
The main characteristics of age limit pensioners, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clien...
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clients aged 75-79 -
SYKE, Valuma-aluejako, 1:50 000, 2010
SYKE, Valuma-aluejako, 1:50 000, 2010 -
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clien...
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days for clients aged 65-74 -
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 01 tieliikenne L Aeq paiva
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 01 tieliikenne L Aeq paiva -
MT 7.3.5 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, occupa...
MT 7.3.5 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, occupation, age and sex -
Vantaalla asuva työllinen työvoima sukupuolen ja iän mukaan 31.12.
Vantaalla asuva työllinen työvoima sukupuolen ja iän mukaan 31.12. -
Pupils in compulsory schools having another mother tongue than Icelandic 1997...
Pupils in compulsory schools having another mother tongue than Icelandic 1997-2017 -
Exports by branches of processing and commodities (SI classification) 2002-2015
Exports by branches of processing and commodities (SI classification) 2002-2015 -
Number of retail trade units as of January 1, in territorial aspect, 2018
Number of retail trade units as of January 1, in territorial aspect, 2018 -
Valitut ikäryhmittäin sukupuolen mukaan vaalipiireittäin kunnallisvaaleissa 2008
Valitut ikäryhmittäin sukupuolen mukaan vaalipiireittäin kunnallisvaaleissa 2008 -
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients...
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients aged 75 and over -
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2010
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2010 -
Number of children in foster care by type of foster, sex and age 2007 til 2016
Number of children in foster care by type of foster, sex and age 2007 til 2016 -
Number of pupils in comprehensive schools autumn terms 2001-2018 by year, sex...
Number of pupils in comprehensive schools autumn terms 2001-2018 by year, sex, grade and school -
Bussipysäkit -
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 0-...
Supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities, clients aged 0-17, on 31 Dec