Nimet merialueet ruotsi
Nimet merialueet ruotsi -
Agricultural production by categories of producers and periods, 2017-2018
Agricultural production by categories of producers and periods, 2017-2018 -
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 03 tieliikenne L den
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 03 tieliikenne L den -
Recorded crimes by categories of crimes, in territorial aspect, 2009-2017
Recorded crimes by categories of crimes, in territorial aspect, 2009-2017 -
Divorces by country of birth 1987 - 2016, wife or both spouses permanently re...
Divorces by country of birth 1987 - 2016, wife or both spouses permanently resident in Finland -
Maankaytto -
Adresser og roder - SUF
Adresser og roder - SUF -
MT 11.1.7 Women by number of children of children born alive, rural/urban pla...
MT 11.1.7 Women by number of children of children born alive, rural/urban places and disposable income 2011 -
Government consolidated gross debt by components - annual data
Government consolidated gross debt by components - annual data -
Number of registered vehicles by residence of the owner 2011-2017 by year, mu...
Number of registered vehicles by residence of the owner 2011-2017 by year, municipality and type of vehicle -
Seutukartta hel perus
Seutukartta hel perus -
Value of manufactured industrial production in territorial aspect, 2008-2017
Value of manufactured industrial production in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Population by religious and life stance organizations and registration 1997-2017
Population by religious and life stance organizations and registration 1997-2017 -
Espoon asunnot talotyypin ja valmistumisvuoden mukaan 31.12.
Espoon asunnot talotyypin ja valmistumisvuoden mukaan 31.12. -
Kuntayhtymien liikelaitosten tuloslaskelmat 2014
Kuntayhtymien liikelaitosten tuloslaskelmat 2014 -
Number of school-aged children 7-15 year by municipality / district, year and...
Number of school-aged children 7-15 year by municipality / district, year and scenario -
Activity, employment and unemployment rates by sex, area and quarters, 2000-2018
Activity, employment and unemployment rates by sex, area and quarters, 2000-2018 -
Personal computers of legal entities (including with Internet access), in ter...
Personal computers of legal entities (including with Internet access), in territorial aspect, end-year, 2003-2017 -
Volume of paid services rendered to population by types of services and forms...
Volume of paid services rendered to population by types of services and forms of ownership, in 2008-2010 -
Pel nuohousaluejako
Pel nuohousaluejako -
Current net expenditure of municipalities 2015-2016, 1 000 euro by year, task...
Current net expenditure of municipalities 2015-2016, 1 000 euro by year, task group and municipality -
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2016
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2016 -
Pyörätiet -
Deaths by underlying cause of death (86-group short list), age and gender 2015
Deaths by underlying cause of death (86-group short list), age and gender 2015 -
Kanta:Toiminnansuunnittelualue -
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2006
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2006 -
Rakennuskieltoalue asemakaavan laatimiseksi
Rakennuskieltoalue asemakaavan laatimiseksi -
Til- og fraflytninger i Hedensted Kommune
Til- og fraflytninger i Hedensted Kommune -
Investments in long term tangible assets by technological structure elements,...
Investments in long term tangible assets by technological structure elements, in territorial aspect, 2010-2016 -
Students and admission in secondary vocational institutions by sex, in territ...
Students and admission in secondary vocational institutions by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2017/18