At work in main and second job by economic activity, sex and region 1991-2017
At work in main and second job by economic activity, sex and region 1991-2017 -
Within the area employed 31.12.2000 - 31.12.2007 (NI 2002) by year, sex, muni...
Within the area employed 31.12.2000 - 31.12.2007 (NI 2002) by year, sex, municipality, industry and age -
Population morbidity with drug addiction, 1995-2017
Population morbidity with drug addiction, 1995-2017 -
Beskæftigelsesstatus 2011-2016
Beskæftigelsesstatus 2011-2016 -
Detailed classification of local government net acquisition of nonfinancial a...
Detailed classification of local government net acquisition of nonfinancial assets 1998-2016 -
Students by level, type of education, broad field of study and sex 1997-2017
Students by level, type of education, broad field of study and sex 1997-2017 -
Population aged 15 years and over by labour status, marital status, sex and a...
Population aged 15 years and over by labour status, marital status, sex and area, 2000-2017 -
National income quarterly 1990 Q 1-
National income quarterly 1990 Q 1- -
National Wealth - available at the end of the year, according to the initial ...
National Wealth - available at the end of the year, according to the initial value, comparable prices, 1995-2014 -
4.8. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Kouvola
4.8. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Kouvola -
Handels- og serviceruter 2017
Handels- og serviceruter 2017 -
The volume of water supplied to consumers in territorial aspect, 2008-2017
The volume of water supplied to consumers in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2000-2015 by year, crew category, s...
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2000-2015 by year, crew category, sex, variable and industry -
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2010
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2010 -
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2005
SYKE, Asuinalueet, 250 m x 250 m, 2005 -
Liikenne (kohde)
Liikenne (kohde) -
Statistik fra dengamleby.dk
Statistik fra dengamleby.dk -
Befolkningen efter år, bydel, alder, køn og civilstand
Befolkningen efter år, bydel, alder, køn og civilstand -
Citizenships granted according to country of previous citizenship 1990 - 2016
Citizenships granted according to country of previous citizenship 1990 - 2016 -
Seutukartta tila 2017
Seutukartta tila 2017 -
Investments in long term tangible assets by types of fixed assets, in territo...
Investments in long term tangible assets by types of fixed assets, in territorial aspect, 2010-2016 -
Terassit kesa 2011
Terassit kesa 2011 -
Gross value added of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices
Gross value added of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices -
Structure of Regional Gross Domestic Product by economic activities, 2013-2015
Structure of Regional Gross Domestic Product by economic activities, 2013-2015 -
Consumer Prices of Liquid Fuels (includes VAT)
Consumer Prices of Liquid Fuels (includes VAT) -
LK 02040 Municipal operations and investments by purpose and district (1993-2...
LK 02040 Municipal operations and investments by purpose and district (1993-2009) - discontinued -
Employees engaged in heavy working conditions, by economic activities, 1999-2011
Employees engaged in heavy working conditions, by economic activities, 1999-2011 -
IB 10040 Election for the Danish Parliament in Faroe Islands by district and ...
IB 10040 Election for the Danish Parliament in Faroe Islands by district and party (1906-2015) -
Vh HSY toiminta al 2017 2019
Vh HSY toiminta al 2017 2019 -
Retail trade establishments by municipality 2015
Retail trade establishments by municipality 2015