Dwellings completed 2006-2011 by year, municipality, type of building and typ...
Dwellings completed 2006-2011 by year, municipality, type of building and type of dwelling -
Profit and loss accounts of non-life insurance companies
Profit and loss accounts of non-life insurance companies -
Kulturminner -
Majoitus- ja ravitsemistoiminnan tilinpäätöstiedot 2007, ennakko
Majoitus- ja ravitsemistoiminnan tilinpäätöstiedot 2007, ennakko -
Secondary vocational institutions in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2017/18
Secondary vocational institutions in territorial aspect, 2008/09-2017/18 -
002 -- Balance sheets of credit institutions, by quarter 2014-2017
002 -- Balance sheets of credit institutions, by quarter 2014-2017 -
Children and families in receipt of special support by Child Protection Commi...
Children and families in receipt of special support by Child Protection Committees 2007 to 2016 -
Skp skybrudsgrene
Skp skybrudsgrene -
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 06 raideliikenne L yo
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 06 raideliikenne L yo -
Current expenditure of municipalities 2015-2016, 1 000 euro by year, task gro...
Current expenditure of municipalities 2015-2016, 1 000 euro by year, task group and municipality -
Maaraala tunnus varma sijainti
Maaraala tunnus varma sijainti -
Standard Instrument Departure Default Style
Standard Instrument Departure Default Style -
No description available for layer app:Postnummerområdegrense (app:Postnummerområdegrense) -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Kasviatlas piste
Kasviatlas piste -
Vuser layer data
Vuser layer data -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Osoitteet - kirjaimet
Osoitteet - kirjaimet -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Suojelu -
Shelters for battered family members - children in care in services funded by...
Shelters for battered family members - children in care in services funded by the municipality, during year (up to 2014) -
Labour input and labour input coefficients 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT ...
Labour input and labour input coefficients 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995 -
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 75 and over...
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 75 and over during year -
Child Welfare Institutions - Children and Young People in Services Funded by ...
This dataset collection contains information about child welfare institutions and children and young people in services funded by the municipality as of 31 December up to 2014.... -
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients...
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients aged 80-84 -
Kuolleet kuolemansyyn mukaan 10000 asukasta kohden Helsingissä 1891-1950
Kuolleet kuolemansyyn mukaan 10000 asukasta kohden Helsingissä 1891-1950 -
Onnettomuusindeksi, linja - Onnettomuusindeksi (Tierekisterin tietolaji 231)
Onnettomuusindeksi, linja - Onnettomuusindeksi (Tierekisterin tietolaji 231) -
Vireillä olevat asemakaavat
Vireillä olevat asemakaavat -
MT 1.4.5 Population by year of arrival in the country, age, sex and place of ...
MT 1.4.5 Population by year of arrival in the country, age, sex and place of usual residence