Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 25-44 durin...
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 25-44 during year -
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 45-64 durin...
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 45-64 during year -
Child Guidance and Family Counselling Clinics - Adult Clients in Services Fun...
This dataset collection, provided by 'Sotkanet' (Finnish National Indicator Bank), contains information related to Child Guidance and Family Counselling Clinics - Adult Clients... -
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services funded by the mun...
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services funded by the municipality, during year(up to 2014) -
Home help, visits per year in households with older people in services purcha...
Home help, visits per year in households with older people in services purchased from public entities (from 2006) -
LSS 34. Persons regularly employed in agriculture by age, gender and hours wo...
LSS 34. Persons regularly employed in agriculture by age, gender and hours worked (thsd) -
Shelters for battered family members - adults in care in services funded by t...
Shelters for battered family members - adults in care in services funded by the municipality, during year (up to 2014) -
Alcohol and Drug Mortality Among Population Aged 15-34 per 100,000 Persons of...
The 'Alcohol and Drug Mortality Among Population Aged 15-34 per 100,000 Persons of Same Age' dataset collection consists of a table named 'Alcohol and Drug Mortality Among... -
DSS 10-1.2.Number of employees by occupations and level of education in the e...
DSS 10-1.2.Number of employees by occupations and level of education in the end of October (thsd persons) -
Seutukartta aluejako tilastoalue
Seutukartta aluejako tilastoalue -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 18-64 during year
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 18-64 during year -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 75 and over du...
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 75 and over during year -
Public institutions with doctorate activites by forms of payment, 2005-2017
Public institutions with doctorate activites by forms of payment, 2005-2017 -
New registrations of limited liability companies by field of activity (NACE R...
New registrations of limited liability companies by field of activity (NACE Rev.1) 2000-2007 -
021 -- Newly married by age (5-year), sex and area in 1990 to 2017
021 -- Newly married by age (5-year), sex and area in 1990 to 2017 -
Uusimaa: Muuttoliike lähtö- tai kohdealueen ja iän mukaan
Uusimaa: Muuttoliike lähtö- tai kohdealueen ja iän mukaan -
Lipas 1380 rullakiekkokentta
Lipas 1380 rullakiekkokentta -
Support for informal care, persons cared for, aged 0-17, in services funded b...
Support for informal care, persons cared for, aged 0-17, in services funded by the municipality, during year -
Private consumption expenditure 1975-2016
Private consumption expenditure 1975-2016 -
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services funded by the m...
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services funded by the municipality, on 31 Dec (from 2006-) (id: 3418) -
LSS 39. Contract employees and agricultural service providers by statistical ...
LSS 39. Contract employees and agricultural service providers by statistical region (thsd) -
Home help, recipient families with children in services funded by the municip...
Home help, recipient families with children in services funded by the municipality, during year (up to 2014) -
Seutukartta suuralueet
Seutukartta suuralueet -
Beneficiaries of labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG...
Beneficiaries of labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 25-44 during year
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 25-44 during year -
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services sold by the munic...
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services sold by the municipality, during year (up to 2014) -
IZG 130. Enrolment in general evening schools by grades (at the beginning of ...
IZG 130. Enrolment in general evening schools by grades (at the beginning of the school year) -
Pirkanmaan arvokkaiden harjualueiden inventoinnin tarkistus -aineisto 2014
Pirkanmaan arvokkaiden harjualueiden inventoinnin tarkistus -aineisto 2014 -
Kuntainfo -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 45-64 during year
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 45-64 during year