Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients...
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, care days for clients aged 75-79 -
Vesihuollon toimipisteet
Vesihuollon toimipisteet -
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 20...
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 2008-2017 -
Espoon lapsiperheet lasten määrän mukaan (iästä riippumatta) 1.1.
Espoon lapsiperheet lasten määrän mukaan (iästä riippumatta) 1.1. -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 65 and over du...
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 65 and over during year -
Rakennustietoruudukko 2016 2
Rakennustietoruudukko 2016 2 -
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2018
MML, Hallintorajat, normaali, 2018 -
Average Retirement Age - Finland
The dataset collection contains the 'Average Retirement Age Table - Finland' table. The data for this table is sourced from the website 'Sotkanet' in Finland. -
Deaths by groups of cause of death (CIE-9), age groups and sex (1996 - 1998)
Deaths of the Basque Country by groups of cause of death (CIE-9), age groups and sex (from 1996 - to 1998) -
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 05 raideliikenne L den
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 05 raideliikenne L den -
Helsingin lämmitettävät rakennukset rakennusaineen ja kerrosluvun mukaan 1880...
Helsingin lämmitettävät rakennukset rakennusaineen ja kerrosluvun mukaan 1880-1930 -
Activity of enterprises in territorial aspect, 2013
Activity of enterprises in territorial aspect, 2013 -
Institutional care for children and young people, clients in services funded ...
Institutional care for children and young people, clients in services funded by the municipality, on 31 Dec (up to 2014) -
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, long-term clients on ...
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, long-term clients on 31 Dec -
Urval: Tema Energi (E och E UTR)
Urval: Tema Energi (E och E UTR) -
Labour market by sex, age, region and education 1991-2017, percentage distrib...
Labour market by sex, age, region and education 1991-2017, percentage distribution -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Hammashoitolat -
International trade in services by region, 1 000 000 euros
International trade in services by region, 1 000 000 euros -
International tourist receipts and expenditures and their share in exports an...
International tourist receipts and expenditures and their share in exports and GDP 1969-2008 -
Number of Syphilis Infections per 100,000 Inhabitants in Finland
The dataset collection includes information on the number of syphilis infections per 100,000 inhabitants in Finland. It consists of one table named 'Number of Syphilis... -
Kuntayhtymien tilinpäätösarviot 2017
Kuntayhtymien tilinpäätösarviot 2017 -
Työpaikat (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 1995, 2-3-nro) mukaan 31.12.
Työpaikat (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 1995, 2-3-nro) mukaan 31.12. -
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services purchased from mu...
Shelters for battered family members, care days in services purchased from municipalities, during year (up to 2014) -
Jatehuollon asiointipisteet
Jatehuollon asiointipisteet -
Students by level, type of education, line of study and sex 1997-2017
Students by level, type of education, line of study and sex 1997-2017 -
Vantaan asuntokuntien tulot, kulutusyksikkökohtaiset ginikertoimet 2005-
Vantaan asuntokuntien tulot, kulutusyksikkökohtaiset ginikertoimet 2005- -
Programming of general interest TV channels by main categories of content 199...
Programming of general interest TV channels by main categories of content 1991-2010 -
Transport of goods, made by enterprises and organizations, in territorial asp...
Transport of goods, made by enterprises and organizations, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
The structure of labour force expenditures by economic activities, 2013-2017
The structure of labour force expenditures by economic activities, 2013-2017