011 -- 7. Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-...
011 -- 7. Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-class 2013, EUR 1000 -
001 -- Consumer Survey time series 1995-2018
001 -- Consumer Survey time series 1995-2018 -
912 -- Tieteellinen julkaisutoiminta yliopistoittain 2010
912 -- Tieteellinen julkaisutoiminta yliopistoittain 2010 -
11 ns -- Building cost index by type of building 2005=100, 2005 M 01-2019 M 04
11 ns -- Building cost index by type of building 2005=100, 2005 M 01-2019 M 04 -
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2009
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2009 -
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries -
2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European...
2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2014 -
Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Helsinki constituency
Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Helsinki constituency -
903 -- Kuntatalous, vanhat indeksit
903 -- Kuntatalous, vanhat indeksit -
904 -- Kulttuuritoimialojen yksityiset ja julkiset kulutusmenot toimialoittai...
904 -- Kulttuuritoimialojen yksityiset ja julkiset kulutusmenot toimialoittain 2008-2011 (TOL 2008) -
015 -- All vital statistics by area in 1987 to 2016
015 -- All vital statistics by area in 1987 to 2016 -
012 -- Vital statistics and population by area in 1987 to 2017
012 -- Vital statistics and population by area in 1987 to 2017 -
025 -- Degree of urbanisation by area, 31 Dec 2016
025 -- Degree of urbanisation by area, 31 Dec 2016 -
Teollisuuden alue- ja toimialatilasto 2012
Teollisuuden alue- ja toimialatilasto 2012 -
Sewage sludge production and disposal from urban wastewater (in dry substanc...
Sewage sludge production and disposal from urban wastewater (in dry substance (d.s)) -
Production in industry - consumer durables
Production in industry - consumer durables -
002 -- Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-...
002 -- Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 -
HICP - communications
HICP - communications -
Service producer prices - Index (2015 = 100)
Service producer prices - Index (2015 = 100) -
001 -- International trade in goods and services, 1 000 000 euros
001 -- International trade in goods and services, 1 000 000 euros -
Valuuttakurssit 2003-2013
Valuuttakurssit 2003-2013 -
003 -- Progress of studies of entrants to vocational education (aimed at youn...
003 -- Progress of studies of entrants to vocational education (aimed at young people) in 2009 by the end of 2012 -
915 -- Panostuotostaulukko perushintaan 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995
915 -- Panostuotostaulukko perushintaan 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995 -
916 -- Peruskoulun vuosiluokkien 7-9 oppilaiden kielivalinnat maakunnittain, ...
916 -- Peruskoulun vuosiluokkien 7-9 oppilaiden kielivalinnat maakunnittain, opetuskielittäin 2012 -
910 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien kokonaisansiot maakunnan mukaan vuonna 2006
910 -- Kokoaikaisten palkansaajien kokonaisansiot maakunnan mukaan vuonna 2006 -
011 -- Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-cla...
011 -- Number of spouses and taxable incomes by husbands and wifes income-class 2016, EUR 1000 -
Utilised agricultural area by categories
Utilised agricultural area by categories -
Production and Consumption of Oil According to Region, 2015
Production and Consumption of Oil According to Region, 2015 -
005 -- Time Use (82 categories) by sex in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010
005 -- Time Use (82 categories) by sex in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 -
Gross external debt, quarterly
Gross external debt, quarterly