Number and percentage shares of votes by party, voting turnout by constituenc...
Number and percentage shares of votes by party, voting turnout by constituency in Municipal elections 2004 -
Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey
Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey -
Internet use by individuals
Internet use by individuals -
Households with broadband access
Households with broadband access -
912 -- Peruskoulun vuosiluokkien 7-9 oppilaiden kielivalinnat maakunnittain, ...
912 -- Peruskoulun vuosiluokkien 7-9 oppilaiden kielivalinnat maakunnittain, opetuskielittäin 2013 -
002 -- Visitor arrivals and nights spend in hotels
002 -- Visitor arrivals and nights spend in hotels -
004 -- Yksityisen sektorin kuukausipalkkaisten ansiot koulutusasteen, ikäryhm...
004 -- Yksityisen sektorin kuukausipalkkaisten ansiot koulutusasteen, ikäryhmän ja sukupuolen mukaan vuonna 2015 -
7.6 Pirkanmaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in...
7.6 Pirkanmaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 -
Credits by purpose of use and by borrower sector, by quarter starting from 2014
Credits by purpose of use and by borrower sector, by quarter starting from 2014 -
Maakunnittainen luottokanta luotonantajan ja -saajan sektorin mukaan vuodesta...
Maakunnittainen luottokanta luotonantajan ja -saajan sektorin mukaan vuodesta 2000 alkaen -
Pupils and students in all levels of education (ISCED 0-6) by NUTS 2 regions
Pupils and students in all levels of education (ISCED 0-6) by NUTS 2 regions -
EU direct investment inward flows by extra EU investing country
EU direct investment inward flows by extra EU investing country -
002 -- Material requirements by materialgroup
002 -- Material requirements by materialgroup -
912 -- Tuotantopaneeli: Henkilöverotiedot EU-tukialueen mukaan, vuodet 2000-2012
912 -- Tuotantopaneeli: Henkilöverotiedot EU-tukialueen mukaan, vuodet 2000-2012 -
180 -- 7.11 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district...
180 -- 7.11 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
3.8 Southeast Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights...
3.8 Southeast Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
011 -- 7. Avioparien luku miehen ja vaimon veronalaisten tulojen mukaan 2007
011 -- 7. Avioparien luku miehen ja vaimon veronalaisten tulojen mukaan 2007 -
Specifications of operating economy, municipalities 2016
Specifications of operating economy, municipalities 2016 -
003 -- Kuntasektorin kuukausipalkat koulutusluokituksen mukaan vuonna 2008
003 -- Kuntasektorin kuukausipalkat koulutusluokituksen mukaan vuonna 2008 -
004 -- Loppuun käsitellyt konkurssit käräjäoikeuksittain ja toimialoittain (T...
004 -- Loppuun käsitellyt konkurssit käräjäoikeuksittain ja toimialoittain (TOL 2008) 2017 -
Day-to-day money market interest rates
Day-to-day money market interest rates -
007 -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies 2010=100 and numbers...
007 -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies 2010=100 and numbers of transactions, monthly -
010 -- . Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income subj...
010 -- . Number, incomes and taxes of individuals by sex, age and income subject to state taxation, 2015, EUR 1000 -
Yritykset toimialoittain ja omistajatyypin mukaan 2001-2007 (TOL 2002)
Yritykset toimialoittain ja omistajatyypin mukaan 2001-2007 (TOL 2002) -
109 -- 2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipali...
109 -- 2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2019 and change from the previous European... -
003 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by place o...
003 -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by place of implementationof teaching in 2011 to 2017 -
009 -- Citizenship of foreign spouses and cohabiting partners of Finnish wome...
009 -- Citizenship of foreign spouses and cohabiting partners of Finnish women in 2002 to 2017 -
11 zi -- University students, degrees and new university students (registrati...
11 zi -- University students, degrees and new university students (registration to university), 2001-2018 -
Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, South Savo constituency
Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, South Savo constituency -
001 -- Teollisuuden energiankäyttö toimialoittain (TOL 2008)
001 -- Teollisuuden energiankäyttö toimialoittain (TOL 2008)