7.15 Ahvenanmaan maakunnan vaalipiiri, ehdokkaiden äänimäärät kunnittain ja ä...
7.15 Ahvenanmaan maakunnan vaalipiiri, ehdokkaiden äänimäärät kunnittain ja äänestysalueittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2011 -
Modal split of freight transport
Modal split of freight transport -
Participation in tourism for personal purposes by age group (number of tourists)
Participation in tourism for personal purposes by age group (number of tourists) -
Municipal key figures
Municipal key figures -
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017
006 -- Capital and labour compensation by industry 1975-2017 -
Unit value of exports
Unit value of exports -
Tertiary educational attainment, age group 30-34 by sex and NUTS 1 regions
Tertiary educational attainment, age group 30-34 by sex and NUTS 1 regions -
Kunnallisvaalit 2008, puolueiden kannatus
Kunnallisvaalit 2008, puolueiden kannatus -
Liike-elämän palveluiden tilinpäätöstiedot 2008, ennakko (TOL 2002)
Liike-elämän palveluiden tilinpäätöstiedot 2008, ennakko (TOL 2002) -
Foreign-language speakers and foreign citizens 1980 - 2010
Foreign-language speakers and foreign citizens 1980 - 2010 -
Population connected to public water supply
Population connected to public water supply -
Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison ...
Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure, those indicated with * were elected -
Tertiary degrees by education level and region in 1991-2012
Tertiary degrees by education level and region in 1991-2012 -
107 -- 5. First round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituenc...
107 -- 5. First round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Presidential elections 2012 -
005 -- Yksityisen sektorin palvelualojen henkilöstön kuukausiansiot sukupuole...
005 -- Yksityisen sektorin palvelualojen henkilöstön kuukausiansiot sukupuolen mukaan vuonna 2012 -
Labour input - total industry (excluding construction)
Labour input - total industry (excluding construction) -
9.1. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Parliamentary...
9.1. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
013 -- Use of digitalisation in enterprises according to size category of per...
013 -- Use of digitalisation in enterprises according to size category of personnel 2014-2016, share of enterprises -
2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, vot...
2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2014 and change from the previous European... -
Leasingilleantajien rahoitusleasingvuokrat leasingilleottajien sektorin mukaa...
Leasingilleantajien rahoitusleasingvuokrat leasingilleottajien sektorin mukaan vuodesta 1994 alkaen, miljoonaa euroa -
Eräitä tietoja kuntien taloudesta 2010
Eräitä tietoja kuntien taloudesta 2010 -
Employment in foreign controlled enterprises as a share of total domestic emp...
Employment in foreign controlled enterprises as a share of total domestic employment -
Employed population with tertiary degree 2008 -2011 (TOL 2008)
Employed population with tertiary degree 2008 -2011 (TOL 2008) -
2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European...
2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2009 -
005 -- 2 c. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2006, ...
005 -- 2 c. Tulonsaajien verotus valtionveron alaisten tulojen mukaan, 2006, kunnan verottamat. -
001 -- Kuntasektorin kuukausipalkat ammateittain vuonna 2016
001 -- Kuntasektorin kuukausipalkat ammateittain vuonna 2016 -
001 -- Turnover of other services 2010=100 (TOL 2008)
001 -- Turnover of other services 2010=100 (TOL 2008) -
EU imports from least-developed countries by group of products
EU imports from least-developed countries by group of products -
909 -- Kotitalouksien saamat perinnöt viitehenkilön ikäryhmän mukaan 1994-200...
909 -- Kotitalouksien saamat perinnöt viitehenkilön ikäryhmän mukaan 1994-2004, ? kotitaloutta kohti