Väestö iän, sukupuolen, äidinkielen ja siviilisäädyn mukaan 1.1.
Väestö iän, sukupuolen, äidinkielen ja siviilisäädyn mukaan 1.1. -
Population by district, year of birth (five yearly), marital status and sex
Population by district, year of birth (five yearly), marital status and sex -
Live births outside of marriage of the Basque Country by province, age of the...
Live births outside of marriage of the Basque Country by province, age of the mother and order of birth -
Population density of the Basque Country by territorial areas
Population density of the Basque Country by territorial areas -
Spouses of the A.C. of the Basque Country by territorial area and sex
Spouses of the Basque Country by territorial area and sex -
Population of school age of the A.C. of Basque Country by province and educat...
Population of school age of the A.C. of Basque Country by province and education level (thousand) -
Potensielt tilgjengelig strandsone, helling - 2017
Potensielt tilgjengelige strandsonearealer i strandsonen beregnes ut fra terreng, veistrekninger, jernbanestrekninger, dyrket markarealer, bygninger og kystlinje. -
Keskustan pysäköinti
Aineistosta löytyvät Tampereen keskusta-alueen ja Kaupin Kuntokadun alueen yleisillä katuja pysäköintialueilla olevat maksulliset pysäköintipaikat. Lisäksi aineistosta löytyy... -
Potensielt tilgjengelig strandsone, helling - 2015
Potensielt tilgjengelige strandsonearealer i strandsonen beregnes ut fra terreng, veistrekninger, jernbanestrekninger, dyrket markarealer, bygninger og kystlinje. -
Passenger cars in traffic on 31 December 2007-2017
Passenger cars in traffic on 31 December by Region, Make, Driving power and Year -
First registrations of vehicles by region in 2001 to 2018
First registrations of motor vehicles by Region, Vehicle class and Year -
Vehicles in traffic by quarter in 2008 to 2018
Vehicles in traffic by Region, Vehicle class and Quarter -
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by munic...
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
First registrations of vehicles by region in 2001 to 2019
First registrations of vehicles by region in 2001 to 2019 -
001 -- Foreign affiliates by country 2004 - 2017
001 -- Foreign affiliates by country 2004 - 2017 -
001 -- Consumption of hard coal
001 -- Consumption of hard coal -
178 -- 7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district...
178 -- 7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
002 -- Velkajärjestelyä hakeneet henkilöt
002 -- Velkajärjestelyä hakeneet henkilöt -
002 -- Kivihiilen varastot
002 -- Kivihiilen varastot -
002 -- Käänteismatriisi 2002
002 -- Käänteismatriisi 2002 -
002 -- Internal tourism consumption
002 -- Internal tourism consumption -
005 -- Household-dwelling units with debt by age and rate of indebtedness 200...
005 -- Household-dwelling units with debt by age and rate of indebtedness 2002-2016, in 2016 money -
Overcrowding rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey
Overcrowding rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey -
012 -- Attendance to cultural events
012 -- Attendance to cultural events -
2. Vaalikartta-aineisto vaalipiireittäin - Presidentinvaalit 2012, 1 vaali.
Vaalikartta-aineisto vaalipiireittäin - Presidentinvaalit 2012, 1 vaali. -
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income su...
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income subject to state taxation, 2012, EUR 1000 -
006 -- Kuntatalous vanhat perusvuodet tehtäväalueittain
006 -- Kuntatalous vanhat perusvuodet tehtäväalueittain -
4.9. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2015, Pori
4.9. Vaalikartta-aineisto äänestysalueittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2015, Pori -
004 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2015=100
004 -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products 2015=100 -
Kuntayhtymien sosiaalipalvelujen ja terveystoimen toiminta 2010
Kuntayhtymien sosiaalipalvelujen ja terveystoimen toiminta 2010