Melualueet 2017 17 mvyoh 3 1 metro Lden 4 m
Melualueet 2017 17 mvyoh 3 1 metro Lden 4 m -
Oulun kaupungin Youtube -kanava (sis. päätökset)
Oulun kaupungin Youtube -kanava (sis. päätökset) -
UO 01040 Structure of land ownership, private and public by the old settlements
UO 01040 Structure of land ownership, private and public by the old settlements -
IMG 050. Deaths by ethnicity
IMG 050. Deaths by ethnicity -
MT 6.1.5 Labourforce by age, sex and place of usual fresidence
MT 6.1.5 Labourforce by age, sex and place of usual fresidence -
Imports, exports and balance of trade 1989-2017
Imports, exports and balance of trade 1989-2017 -
Sown area by agricultural crops in FARMS, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017
Sown area by agricultural crops in FARMS, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017 -
Melualueet 2017 07 NPM mvyoh 6 1 metro LAeq 2 m
Melualueet 2017 07 NPM mvyoh 6 1 metro LAeq 2 m -
IB 10030 Elected by party, district and type of seat (1998-2004)
IB 10030 Elected by party, district and type of seat (1998-2004) -
Melualueet 2017 08 NPM mvyoh 6 2 metro Lyo 2 m
Melualueet 2017 08 NPM mvyoh 6 2 metro Lyo 2 m -
Input coefficients 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
Input coefficients 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
Melualueet 2017 18 mvyoh 3 2 metro Lyo 4 m
Melualueet 2017 18 mvyoh 3 2 metro Lyo 4 m -
LK 03030 Tax level by national accounts groups (1998-2015)
LK 03030 Tax level by national accounts groups (1998-2015) -
Mr-m 4 eu:Commodity Extension
Mr-m 4 eu:Commodity Extension -
YleiskaavatVireilla -
Largest islands
Largest islands -
New entrants to general programmes at the upper secondary level by sex, age a...
New entrants to general programmes at the upper secondary level by sex, age and domicile 1997-2017 -
New entrants to general programmes at the upper secondary level by sex, age a...
New entrants to general programmes at the upper secondary level by sex, age and domicile 1997-2017 -
MEG 020. Felling areas and stock volume
MEG 020. Felling areas and stock volume -
Graduations at the post-secondary non-tertiary level by field of study, diplo...
Graduations at the post-secondary non-tertiary level by field of study, diploma and sex 1995-2016 -
SS 03060 Traffic accidents by district, place and type (1995-2017)
SS 03060 Traffic accidents by district, place and type (1995-2017) -
LK 03050 Main figures in the tax assesment (1993-2016)
LK 03050 Main figures in the tax assesment (1993-2016) -
External trade by market areas 2016-2017
External trade by market areas 2016-2017 -
UV 03040 The Technical Schools, students by class, area and sex (2000/2001-20...
UV 03040 The Technical Schools, students by class, area and sex (2000/2001-2009/2010) -
LK 01040 Treasury net debt by type (1990-2005) - discontinued
LK 01040 Treasury net debt by type (1990-2005) - discontinued -
LI 020 m. Average purchase prices of milk and meat
LI 020 m. Average purchase prices of milk and meat -
AL 01020 Old age pensioners by sex, age and type of pension (2003-2017)
AL 01020 Old age pensioners by sex, age and type of pension (2003-2017) -
Forest increment and fellings
Forest increment and fellings -
Educational personnel by sex, licence, age, full-time/part-time status and ed...
Educational personnel by sex, licence, age, full-time/part-time status and education 1999-2012 -
LSK 01-IV 28. Sheep houses by reconstruction period
LSK 01-IV 28. Sheep houses by reconstruction period