UV 02010 Public school, number of pupils by school and class (2005/06-2017/18)
UV 02010 Public school, number of pupils by school and class (2005/06-2017/18) -
IDG 070. Live births by sex and age of mother
IDG 070. Live births by sex and age of mother -
SS 03030 Traffic on the main roads in kilometres by region (1997-2011)
SS 03030 Traffic on the main roads in kilometres by region (1997-2011) -
Adjusted gender pay gap (OLS) 2000-2016
Adjusted gender pay gap (OLS) 2000-2016 -
HICP - energy
HICP - energy -
Miljozone -
PPG 020. Purchasing power of pensioners
PPG 020. Purchasing power of pensioners -
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, katualueet
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, katualueet -
VV 02020 Harvest of salmon and trout in tonnes (1996-2017)
VV 02020 Harvest of salmon and trout in tonnes (1996-2017) -
Melualueet 2017 19 rautatiet Hki Lden
Melualueet 2017 19 rautatiet Hki Lden -
Gross fixed capital formation by assets 1980-1990
Gross fixed capital formation by assets 1980-1990 -
HM 01070 Life expectancy by age and sex (1985-2017)
HM 01070 Life expectancy by age and sex (1985-2017) -
IB 02050 Life expectancy by age and sex (1985-2017)
IB 02050 Life expectancy by age and sex (1985-2017) -
MM 01010 The circulation af Faroese newspapers (1998-2017)
MM 01010 The circulation af Faroese newspapers (1998-2017) -
Urval: Tema Yrkesfiske
Urval: Tema Yrkesfiske -
National boundary
National boundary -
Agricultural Entrepreneurial Income Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains agricultural entrepreneurial income data sourced from the web site of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. -
Access to Professional Information of Agricultural and Horticultural Enterpri...
This dataset collection contains access to professional information of agricultural and horticultural enterprises categorized by the production sector. The data tables included... -
Access to Professional Information of Agricultural and Horticultural Enterpri...
This dataset collection provides access to professional information of agricultural and horticultural enterprises by the Ely Centre. The collection consists of one or more... -
Age of Forest Stands on Forest Land (1000 ha)
This dataset collection contains information about the age of forest stands on forest land in Finland. The data tables in this collection are sourced from the website of Luke,... -
Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Production Sector
This dataset collection contains information about the agricultural areas cultivated with the same crops categorized by the production sector. The data is sourced from the... -
Agricultural and Horticultural Labour Force 2000 Dataset Collection
The dataset collection contains agricultural and horticultural labour force data for the year 2000. It is sourced from the web site of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute... -
Agricultural Productivity Dataset Collection
The 'agricultural_productivity' dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. -
Agricultural Area Cultivated with the Same Crop by Region in Finland
This dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of 'Luke' in Finland. It provides information about agricultural areas cultivated with... -
Agricultural Enterprises by Business Size in Finland
This dataset collection contains information about agricultural enterprises in Finland. The collection includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke, the... -
Agricultural or Horticultural Education of the Farm Manager by Production Sector
This dataset collection includes information about agricultural and horticultural education of the farm manager categorized by production sector. The data tables within this... -
Agricultural or Horticultural Education of the Farm Manager by Ely Centre
This dataset collection contains tables related to agricultural or horticultural education of the farm manager. The tables are sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Annual Increment of Growing Stock on Forest Land and on Poorly Productive For...
This dataset collection contains annual increment of growing stock on forest land and on poorly productive forest land in Finland. The tables are sourced from the website of... -
Agricultural Land Rents by Line of Production and ELY Centre in Finland
This dataset collection consists of one or more tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Agricultural Land Rents by Type of Farm and ELY Centre in Finland
This dataset collection includes tables sourced from the website of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. It provides information on agricultural land rents by...