Melualueet 2017 01 kadut maant Hki LAeq 7-22 paiva NPM
Melualueet 2017 01 kadut maant Hki LAeq 7-22 paiva NPM -
MM 01030 Libraries by type, titles and issuings (1990-2017)
MM 01030 Libraries by type, titles and issuings (1990-2017) -
Migratory balances by territorial area, kind and sex
Migratory balances by territorial area, kind and sex -
Cinemas, cinema showings and admissions by regions 1995-2014
Cinemas, cinema showings and admissions by regions 1995-2014 -
AM 02020 Unemployment by sex, age, region and month (1995-2018)
AM 02020 Unemployment by sex, age, region and month (1995-2018) -
LK 03040 Income tax, by authority and type (1990-2016)
LK 03040 Income tax, by authority and type (1990-2016) -
Melualueet 2017 02 kadut maant Hki LAeq 22-7 yo NPM
Melualueet 2017 02 kadut maant Hki LAeq 22-7 yo NPM -
UH 01021 Import by SITC-groups (1988 M 01-2018 M 07)
UH 01021 Import by SITC-groups (1988 M 01-2018 M 07) -
Melualueet 2017 12 kadut maant Hki Lyo
Melualueet 2017 12 kadut maant Hki Lyo -
MT 6.1.4 Population by current activity status, status of employment, occupat...
MT 6.1.4 Population by current activity status, status of employment, occupation, age and sex -
IE 040 m. Live births and deaths by sex and by month
IE 040 m. Live births and deaths by sex and by month -
Children in early education institutions by age and area, 2003-2017
Children in early education institutions by age and area, 2003-2017 -
Children in pre-primary institutions by sex, region and daily attendance 1998...
Children in pre-primary institutions by sex, region and daily attendance 1998-2017 -
LK 01010 General government, revenue and expenditure (1998-2017)
LK 01010 General government, revenue and expenditure (1998-2017) -
LSK 01-IV 26. Sheep houses by construction period
LSK 01-IV 26. Sheep houses by construction period -
MT 1.1.2 Population by rural/urban places, age and sex
MT 1.1.2 Population by rural/urban places, age and sex -
Household final consumption expenditure at constant prices 1957-1990
Household final consumption expenditure at constant prices 1957-1990 -
UV 02030 Public school, teachers and substitutes by age and sex (2005/06-2010...
UV 02030 Public school, teachers and substitutes by age and sex (2005/06-2010/11) -
UV 03030 Business colleges, students by class, area and sex (1999/2000-2011/2...
UV 03030 Business colleges, students by class, area and sex (1999/2000-2011/2012) -
VAG 040. Cases of malignant neoplasms by selected sites
VAG 040. Cases of malignant neoplasms by selected sites -
RCG 001. Producer price index weights by section and division
RCG 001. Producer price index weights by section and division -
Quantity and value of exports by commodities (SI classif.) 2016-2017
Quantity and value of exports by commodities (SI classif.) 2016-2017 -
Candidates and representatives in proportional voting by municipality 2006
Candidates and representatives in proportional voting by municipality 2006 -
Higher education by cycles, 2005/06-2016/17
Higher education by cycles, 2005/06-2016/17 -
UV 02020 Public school, number of pupils by class and sex (2005/06-2017/18)
UV 02020 Public school, number of pupils by class and sex (2005/06-2017/18) -
Marriages by age of spouses 1971-2011
Marriages by age of spouses 1971-2011 -
Yleiskaava-alueet -
LSK 01-IV 37. Provision with driers
LSK 01-IV 37. Provision with driers -