Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 an...
Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 -
Piirijako peruspiiri
Piirijako peruspiiri -
IP 02021 Consumer price index, by commodity groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 3)
IP 02021 Consumer price index, by commodity groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 3) -
Boliger 5 km 2017
Boliger 5 km 2017 -
Nurmijarvi pienalueet
Nurmijarvi pienalueet -
Live-births by districts, 1989-1998
Live-births by districts, 1989-1998 -
Akaava:Liikennointi -
Recycling rate of e-waste
Recycling rate of e-waste -
MM 03010 Parishes (2000-2017)
MM 03010 Parishes (2000-2017) -
Aluemeren ulkoraja - Aluevesien rajat
Aluemeren ulkoraja - Aluevesien rajat -
Exports by market areas and commodities (SI classification) 1999-2015
Exports by market areas and commodities (SI classification) 1999-2015 -
GIS:Kotikalliot luontopolut
GIS:Kotikalliot luontopolut -
Rakennuspaikka -
Akaava:Virkistysalue -
Sector accounts (main transactions) 1975-2016
Sector accounts (main transactions) 1975-2016 -
Väestönmuutokset -
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 15 raitioliikenne L den
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 15 raitioliikenne L den -
Educational attainment of the population according to ISCED 2011 2003-2017
Educational attainment of the population according to ISCED 2011 2003-2017 -
YKJ ETRS LINE 100000 -
AM 04020 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector g...
AM 04020 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups, sex and quarter (1985-2018) -
AM 04020 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector g...
AM 04020 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups, sex and quarter (1985-2018) -
Kanta:Rumpu -
Active members and boards of labour federations 2003-2008
Active members and boards of labour federations 2003-2008 -
Net national income
Net national income -
VV 04020 Whale hunts by species (1996-2017)
VV 04020 Whale hunts by species (1996-2017) -
Results of general elections to the Althingi by constituency 2013
Results of general elections to the Althingi by constituency 2013 -
Foreign passengers 1971-1999
Foreign passengers 1971-1999 -
MT 4.2.1 Dwellings by type, size, type of household and place of residence
MT 4.2.1 Dwellings by type, size, type of household and place of residence -
Generation of production and consumption wastes, in territorial aspect, 2008-...
Generation of production and consumption wastes, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -