LAG 050. Output of crop products per capita (kg)
LAG 050. Output of crop products per capita (kg) -
Kanta:Rakennelma -
Geopotentiaali -
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, Vesialue
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, Vesialue -
Muu maa-alue
Muu maa-alue -
AM 04011 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector g...
AM 04011 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups and sex (1985 M 01-2018 M 09) -
Taytemaa-alue -
Amateur theatre groups 1980-2014
Amateur theatre groups 1980-2014 -
Rajamerkki -
Innovation activity that didn't result in innovation 2012-2016
Innovation activity that didn't result in innovation 2012-2016 -
Helsingin oppikoulut
Helsingin oppikoulut -
LSK 01-III 09. Number of cattle by districts
LSK 01-III 09. Number of cattle by districts -
Imported used vehicles by import country, by year of first registration, by m...
Imported used vehicles by Vehicle class, Year of first registration, Import country and Month -
Opaskartta nimisto
Opaskartta nimisto -
Professional theatres 1985-2014
Professional theatres 1985-2014 -
Sundhedsspor -
Births by months 1853-2017
Births by months 1853-2017 -
MT 11.1.6 Population by family status, age, sex, place of usual residence and...
MT 11.1.6 Population by family status, age, sex, place of usual residence and disposable income 2011 -
Opev ooa alaaste suomi
Opev ooa alaaste suomi -
MT 3.8.6 Families by relations abroad, type of family and place of usual resi...
MT 3.8.6 Families by relations abroad, type of family and place of usual residence -
Consumer Price Indices, overall index
Consumer Price Indices, overall index -
Seutukartta liikenne lentoasemat
Seutukartta liikenne lentoasemat -
Sahkoverkonosa -
Kanta:Liikunta-alue -
Kanta:Erityisrakenne -
Pysakki -
GDP income approach quarterly 1990 Q 1-
GDP income approach quarterly 1990 Q 1- -
Repatriates by category and sexes, 1994-2017
Repatriates by category and sexes, 1994-2017 -
Gross fixed capital formation by kind of activity 1945-1980
Gross fixed capital formation by kind of activity 1945-1980 -