Boliger 1 km 2012 (Rettet 30.06.2016)
Boliger 1 km 2012 (Rettet 30.06.2016) -
Boliger 1 km 2008
Boliger 1 km 2008 -
Boliger 1 km 2014
Boliger 1 km 2014 -
Boliger 2011
Boliger 2011 -
Boliger 1 km 2010
Boliger 1 km 2010 -
IDG 120. Births by ethnicity
IDG 120. Births by ethnicity -
MT 3.8.6 Families by relations abroad, type of family and place of usual resi...
MT 3.8.6 Families by relations abroad, type of family and place of usual residence -
IP 02021 Consumer price index, by commodity groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 2)
IP 02021 Consumer price index, by commodity groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 2) -
Akaava:Rakennusala -
Akaava:Kaava -
Mantsala tilastoalueet
Mantsala tilastoalueet -
KB 03010 Indicator for Primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2...
KB 03010 Indicator for Primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
AM 04021 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector g...
AM 04021 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups and sex (1985 Q 1-2018 Q 2) -
AM 04021 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector g...
AM 04021 Wage expenditure, seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups and sex (1985 Q 1-2018 Q 2) -
Silta -
Rumpu -
Polku -
Pensas -
Kanta:Paikannimi -
Havupuurivi -
Vesi purojen putkitetut osuudet
Vesi purojen putkitetut osuudet -
Time use indicators for population aged 15 years and over, by sex and age gro...
Time use indicators for population aged 15 years and over, by sex and age group, 2012 -
Kerava tilastoalueet
Kerava tilastoalueet -
Balance sheet by division, paired enterprises 2008 and 2009
Balance sheet by division, paired enterprises 2008 and 2009 -
JVSG 100. Hours worked and hours paid during a year
JVSG 100. Hours worked and hours paid during a year -
Aurauskartta: ulkoistetut aurausalueet
Aurauskartta: ulkoistetut aurausalueet -
Karttaselite -
Protected areas 1928-2016
Protected areas 1928-2016 -
Osayleiskaavahakemisto alue
Osayleiskaavahakemisto alue -
Varsinaisethintakayrat 2018
Varsinaisethintakayrat 2018