Stumpage Prices of Roundwood by Year and by Region
This dataset collection contains information about stumpage prices of roundwood. Stumpage prices are the prices paid to the owner of the land for the standing timber. The... -
The Number and Area of Horticultural Enterprises in Finland
This dataset collection provides information on the number and area of horticultural enterprises in Finland. The data is sourced from the website of Luke (Natural Resources... -
Fuelwood in Small Scale Housing According to Urban-Rural Classification and b...
This dataset collection provides information on fuelwood usage in small-scale housing, categorized according to the urban-rural classification and fireplace type. The collection... -
Average Weight of Pig Carcases in Kilograms
This dataset collection contains information about the average weight of pig carcasses in kilogram units. The tables in this dataset collection are sourced from the web site of... -
Selling Prices of Eggs Quoted by Packing Plants in Finland (€/kg)
This dataset collection contains information about the selling prices of eggs quoted by packing plants in Finland. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of the Natural... -
Child Welfare Institutions: Children and Young People in Services Purchased f...
This dataset collection contains information about the children and young people in services purchased from municipalities in Finland in 2014. The data is sourced from the web... -
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural T...
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke, which is an abbreviation for Natural Resources Institute Finland. The collection includes data about... -
Catches by Type of Gear in Commercial Inland Fishery (1,000 kg)
The dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. -
Fish Used for Human Consumption (kg/person/year)
The dataset collection contains information about fish used for human consumption in kilograms per person per year. The tables in the collection are sourced from the web site of... -
Greenhouse Production Dataset Collection
The greenhouse_production dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Total Earnings of Wage and Salary Earners in the Forest Industries (EUR/hour)
This dataset collection contains information about the total earnings of wage and salary earners in the forest industries, measured in euros per hour. The data is sourced from... -
Production of Vegetables in Greenhouses (Excluding Potted Vegetables) in Finland
This dataset collection contains information about the production of vegetables in greenhouses, excluding potted vegetables. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of... -
Energy Consumption of Agriculture and Horticulture by Source of Energy in Fin...
This dataset collection contains information on energy consumption of agriculture and horticulture in Finland. The tables in this collection are sourced from the website of... -
Selling Prices of Eggs quoted by Packing Plants in EU Countries (per 100 kg)
This dataset collection comprises one or more tables containing information on the selling prices of eggs quoted by packing plants in European Union (EU) countries. The tables... -
Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Service...
The dataset collection contains information about Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Services Purchased from Municipalities up to 2014. The... -
Child Welfare Institutions: Children and Young People in Services Purchased f...
The dataset collection consists of one or more tables related to child welfare institutions and children and young people in services purchased from joint municipal boards in... -
Child Welfare Institutions: Children and Young People in Services Purchased f...
The dataset collection contains information on child welfare institutions and the number of children and young people in services purchased from the state as of December 31st up... -
Child Welfare Institutions care days for Children and Young People in Service...
The dataset collection contains information about the care days for children and young people in child welfare institutions, which were provided through services purchased from... -
Child Welfare Clients in Open Care Aged 18-20 as Percentage of Total Populati...
The dataset collection contains information about the percentage of child welfare clients in open care aged 18-20 in Finland. The data is sourced from the 'Sotkanet' website,... -
Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Service...
The dataset collection consists of child welfare institutions care days for children and young people in services purchased from the state up to the year 2014. The dataset table... -
Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Municip...
The dataset collection contains the table 'Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Municipality's Own Services (Up to 2014)'. This dataset... -
Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Service...
The dataset collection contains information on child welfare institutions care days for children and young people in services funded by the municipality during the year up to... -
Child Welfare Institutions Care Days for Children and Young People in Service...
The dataset collection contains information about the number of care days for children and young people in child welfare institutions, specifically those services that were... -
Child Welfare Institutions: Care Days for Children and Young People in Servic...
The dataset collection provides information on care days for children and young people in services sold by the municipality during the year up to 2014. The collection consists... -
Child Welfare Institutions: Children and Young People in Services Purchased f...
The dataset collection provides information on child welfare institutions for children and young people in services purchased from others on 31 December up to 2014. The dataset... -
Child Welfare Clients in Open Care Aged 0-17 as % of Total Population of Same...
The dataset collection provides information on Child Welfare Clients in Open Care aged 0-17 as a percentage of the total population of the same age in Finland. The collection... -
Grain Quality Dataset Collection
The grain_quality dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Domestic Fish Consumption by Origin (kg/person/year)
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the website of Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland) in Finland. The collection provides information on domestic fish... -
Fuelwood in Small Scale Housing according to Urban/Rural Classification and F...
The dataset collection contains tables related to the fuelwood usage in small-scale housing, categorized according to the urban-rural classification and fuelwood type. The... -
Catch and Value in Commercial Marine Fishery in Finland
This dataset collection includes one or more dataset tables related to the catch and value in commercial marine fishery in Finland. The tables are sourced from the website of...