Percentage of Clients Aged 80 and Over in Residential Homes or Long-Term Inst...
This dataset collection provides information on the percentage of clients aged 80 and over in residential homes or long-term institutional care in health centres as a percent of... -
At Least Two Symptoms Daily as Percent of All Pupils in 8th and 9th Year of C...
The dataset collection consists of one table titled 'At Least Two Symptoms Daily as Percent of All Pupils in 8th and 9th Year of Comprehensive School 2015'. The table belongs to... -
Care and Services for Older People Clients in Part-Time Care Services Purchas...
This dataset collection includes information on care and services provided for older people clients in part-time care services purchased from joint municipal boards in Finland... -
Profitability Factor of Organic and Regular Production
This dataset collection consists of one or more dataset tables related to the profitability factor of organic and regular production. The tables are sourced from the web site of... -
Profitability of Fish Wholesale
This dataset collection contains tables sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, in Finland. It focuses on the profitability of fish wholesale.... -
Production of Cultivated Mushrooms (1,000 kg) Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains information on the production of cultivated mushrooms. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of Luke (Natural Resources Institute... -
Annual Producer Prices of Milk in Finland from Luke website
This dataset collection comprises of one or more dataset tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. -
Profitability of Commercial Marine Fishery in Finland
The dataset collection contains tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. It provides information on the profitability of commercial marine fishery. -
Monthly Production of Dairy Milk in Finland
This dataset collection contains monthly data on the production of dairy milk. The tables in this collection are sourced from the website of Luke, which is the Natural Resources... -
Annual Production of Dairy Milk
This dataset collection contains information regarding the annual production of dairy milk. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of Luke, which is an organization in... -
Producer Prices of Milk (Monthly)
This dataset collection contains monthly producer prices of milk sourced from 'Luke' in Finland. -
Results of Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises by Production Type and ...
This dataset collection contains information on the results of agricultural and horticultural enterprises by production type and support area. The tables in this collection are... -
Raw Material Weight of Fish Used in Fish Processing by End Product Group (1,0...
This dataset collection contains tables that provide information about the raw material weight of fish used in fish processing. The tables in this collection are sourced from... -
Registered Marine Fishing Vessels Dataset Collection
The registered marine fishing vessels dataset collection includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of Luke in Finland. -
Research and Development Expenditure in the Forest Industries in Finland (Luke)
This dataset collection contains information about research and development expenditure in the forest industries. It includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website... -
Roadside Prices of Roundwood by Week
This dataset collection includes the roadside prices of roundwood by week. The tables belonging to this dataset collection are sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural... -
Restorations and Nature Management Completed on Protected Areas (in hectares)
This dataset collection contains information about restorations and nature management completed in protected areas in Finland. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of... -
Real Stumpage Price Index by Price Regions
This dataset collection contains one or more tables sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. -
Monthly Roadside Prices of Roundwood
This dataset collection contains the roadside prices of roundwood by month. The tables in this dataset collection are sourced from the web site of Luke in Finland. -
Number of Farmers on Privately Owned Farms by Farmers Age
This dataset collection presents the number of farmers on privately owned farms by farmers' age in Finland. The dataset tables are sourced from the web site of Finnish Natural... -
Number of Greenhouses Under Cultivation by Covering Material and Heating
The dataset collection provides information on the number of greenhouses under cultivation categorized by covering material and heating. The collection consists of one or more... -
Number of Fishermen Using Different Gear Types by Age Group
This dataset collection contains information on the number of fishermen using different gear types by age group. The tables in this collection are sourced from the web site of... -
Number of Fishing Units by Catch Class in Commercial Marine Fishery
This dataset collection contains information about the number of fishing units by catch class in the commercial marine fishery. The tables in this collection are sourced from... -
Number of Finnhorses (in Thousands) Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains information about the number of Finnhorses in thousands. The tables in this collection have been sourced from the website of Luke (Natural... -
Number of Indigenous Cows Dataset Collection
This dataset collection contains information about the number of indigenous cows in Finland. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of Luke, the Natural Resources... -
Number of Hunters Dataset Collection
The number_of_hunters dataset collection includes one or more dataset tables sourced from the website of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). It provides information... -
Number of Diversified Agricultural and Horticultural Enterprises by Productio...
This dataset collection contains information about the number of diversified agricultural and horticultural enterprises by production sector. The data tables are sourced from... -
Number of Agricultural Enterprises by Business Size in Rural and Urban Areas
This dataset collection provides information on the number of agricultural enterprises categorized by business size in rural and urban areas in Finland. The data tables are... -
Number of Hunters Who Paid Game Management Fees by Region
This dataset collection provides information on the number of hunters who have paid game management fees by region. The dataset tables are sourced from the website of Luke... -
Roundwood Trade by Month and by Region
This dataset collection contains information about the trade of roundwood. The dataset tables included in this collection provide data on the monthly roundwood trade by region....