Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size in FinlandTSV
This table provides information about the number of personnel in growth companies categorized by business field and size, using the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, which originates from Finland.
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size in Urban Rural Typology in Finland (Luke)TSV
This table contains data on growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size, based on the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, which originates from Finland (ISO country code 'fi'). The table includes columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'code', and 'label'. '_extract_date' represents the date when the data was extracted. '_row_number' is the unique identifier for each row in the table. 'code' represents the business field or size code, and 'label' provides the corresponding label or description. This table can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the distribution of growth companies and personnel across different business fields and sizes, identify trends and patterns over time, compare the growth of companies in...
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size using Urban Rural TypologyTSV
This table contains data on growth companies and the number of personnel categorized by business field and size, based on the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, an organization in Finland.
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural Typology in FinlandTSV
This table provides information on growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size, utilizing the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the web site of 'Luke', which originates from Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table contains columns such as '_extract_date', '_row_number', 'code', and 'label'. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as analyzing the growth trends of different industries, identifying the distribution of personnel by business field and size, and conducting comparative analysis between urban and rural areas based on the number of personnel in growth companies.
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural Typology in Finland - LUKETSV
This table contains data on the growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size, using the urban-rural typology. The data represents growth rates, industry, size class, urban-rural classification, and the number of personnel for each growth period. The table is sourced from the web site of 'Luke' which originates from Finland (ISO country code: FI). The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as identifying industries with the highest growth rates, analyzing the relationship between growth rates and urban-rural classifications, and observing the distribution of personnel across different size classes within each industry.
Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size: Urban-Rural Typology (Growth Rate)TSV
This table provides information about the growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size by using the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the web site of 'Luke' which originates from Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table contains columns such as _extract_date, _row_number, code, and label. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios, such as:
Analyzing the growth trends of companies in different business fields over time.
Identifying the distribution of personnel across different company sizes.
Studying the relationship between urban-rural typology and the growth of companies.
Comparing the growth rates of companies in specific business fields.
Please refer to the column descriptions for more details on each field.
Growth Companies and Personnel Count by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural Typology [Historical Data] (Luke - Finland)TSV
This table contains the version history of the base table 'growth_companies_and_the_number_of_personnel_by_business_field_and_size_by_using_the_urban_rural_typology__dim_urbanrural_classification'. It provides information about the growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size, utilizing the urban-rural typology. The table has additional columns compared to its base table, including '_start_date' which represents the date when the row was extracted from the data source, and '_end_date' which represents the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value of '_end_date' is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios. For example, it can be used to analyze...
Number of Personnel in Growth Companies by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural Typology - Growth PeriodTSV
This table provides data on the number of personnel in growth companies by business field and size, based on the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the website of 'Luke', which originates from Finland (iso country code: FI). The table includes information on the extract date, row number, code, and label columns. It can be utilized in data analytics for various purposes, such as identifying the growth patterns of companies in different business fields and sizes, understanding the urban-rural distribution of growth companies' personnel, and analyzing the trends over time.
Version History of Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size using Urban-Rural Typology, with Growth Rate (Source: Luke, Finland)TSV
This table contains the version history of the base table 'growth_companies_and_the_number_of_personnel_by_business_field_and_size_by_using_the_urban_rural_typology__dim_growth_rate'. It provides information about the growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size. The data is categorized using the urban-rural typology dimension and the growth rate dimension. The table includes additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date', which indicate the date range for each version of the rows extracted from the data source. The table is sourced from the website of 'Luke', an organization based in Finland (ISO country code: 'FI'). The data in this table can be used for various data analytics purposes, such as analyzing the growth trends of companies in different business...
Version History of Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field and Size, Classified by Urban Rural Typology (Dim Data) - Luke - FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of the rows in the 'growth_companies_and_the_number_of_personnel_by_business_field_and_size_by_using_the_urban_rural_typology__dim_data' table. The rows in this table represent the extracted data from the data source. Each row has additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date', which indicate the dates when the versions of the rows were extracted. If the value of the '_end_date' column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table can be utilized in data analytics to analyze the growth of companies and the number of personnel based on different business fields and sizes. This information can provide insights into the distribution and trends of companies and personnel across urban and rural areas. The table is...
Version History of Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field, Size and Urban-rural Typology in FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size by using the urban-rural typology. The data is sourced from the website of Luke, an organization based in Finland. The table provides information about the start date, end date, row number, code, and label of each version of the data. The '_start_date' column represents the date when the row was extracted from the data source, while the '_end_date' column represents the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the '_end_date' value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version. This table can be used for various data analytics purposes such as trend analysis, tracking changes in growth companies and personnel by business field and size, and...
Version History of Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field, Size and Urban-Rural Typology in FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of growth companies and the number of personnel by business field and size by using the urban-rural typology. It is a historical record of the growth companies and their personnel, providing valuable insights into their growth patterns over time. The table includes columns such as '_start_date', '_end_date', 'growth_period', 'industry', 'size_class', 'growth_rate', 'urbanrural_classification', 'data', and 'growth_companies_and_the_number_of_personnel'. These columns can be utilized for various data analytics purposes, such as analyzing growth trends based on industry, size class, and urban-rural classification, calculating growth rates, and understanding the relationship between growth companies and their personnel. The data in this table is...
Version History of Growth Companies and Personnel by Business Field, Size, and Urban-Rural Typology in FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of the growth companies and the number of personnel data by business field and size, using the urban-rural typology and size classes. It is sourced from the website of Luke, which originates from Finland. The table includes information such as the start date of the data extraction, end date, row number, code, and label. The '_start_date' column represents the date when a specific version of the row was extracted, while the '_end_date' column indicates the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value in the '_end_date' column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. This table can be used for various data analytics purposes, such as analyzing the growth trends of companies in different business fields and sizes...
Version History of Growth Companies and the Number of Personnel by Business Field and Size by Using the Urban Rural Typology (Country: Finland, Data Source: Luke)TSV
This table contains the version history of the base table 'growth_companies_and_the_number_of_personnel_by_business_field_and_size_by_using_the_urban_rural_typology__dim_growth_period'. It is sourced from the website of 'Luke' which originates from the country Finland (ISO country code: 'fi'). The table includes additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date', representing the extraction dates of each row from the data source. The table provides valuable data for data analytics and can be utilized to analyze the growth of companies and the number of personnel by business field and size using the urban-rural typology. By analyzing the historical versions of the rows and their extraction dates, trends and patterns can be identified, helping researchers, analysts, and data scientists gain...