Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2011-2012
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2011-2012 -
Brugsstatistik -
Mantsala pienalueet
Mantsala pienalueet -
AM 03011 Employees seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups an...
AM 03011 Employees seasonally adjusted and trend by business sector groups and sex (1985 M 01-2018 M 07) -
LSK 01-IV 38. Provision with driers by districts
LSK 01-IV 38. Provision with driers by districts -
KB 03040 Capacity utilisation in primary sector and industry, twice a year (2...
KB 03040 Capacity utilisation in primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
KB 03040 Capacity utilisation in primary sector and industry, twice a year (2...
KB 03040 Capacity utilisation in primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Pensas
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Pensas -
LSK 01-IV 63. Waste water discharge from farms
LSK 01-IV 63. Waste water discharge from farms -
Opev ooa alaaste suomi tuleva
Opev ooa alaaste suomi tuleva -
Havneringen -
Kanta:Rakennus -
MT 11.1.3 Private households by type, size, place of usual residence and disp...
MT 11.1.3 Private households by type, size, place of usual residence and disposable income 2011 -
RudolfSK -
IKG 10 100. Gross domestic product deflator
IKG 10 100. Gross domestic product deflator -
Akaava:Yhteiskayttoalue -
Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, Nimi
Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, Nimi -
Alue 2
Alue 2 -
MT 6.3.3 Population by occupation, industry, current activity status, sex, ag...
MT 6.3.3 Population by occupation, industry, current activity status, sex, age and place of usual residence -
LSK 10-I 03. Agricultural holdings by type of farming
LSK 10-I 03. Agricultural holdings by type of farming -
Gross domestic product per head 1980-2017
Gross domestic product per head 1980-2017 -
Syntyneet äidin iän mukaan
Syntyneet äidin iän mukaan -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Vesikohde
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Vesikohde -
Children in pre-primary schools in December 1998-2017
Children in pre-primary schools in December 1998-2017 -
LSK 10-II 04. Agricultural holdings by area of arable land
LSK 10-II 04. Agricultural holdings by area of arable land -
MT 6.6.14 Population by location of place of work, country of citizenship, oc...
MT 6.6.14 Population by location of place of work, country of citizenship, occupation and sex -
Advertising media expenditure 1993-2005
Advertising media expenditure 1993-2005 -
Linjer fra rapportdatabasen
Linjer fra rapportdatabasen -
General government total expenditure in details by functions 1998-2016
General government total expenditure in details by functions 1998-2016