Samba Wellbores
Samba Wellbores -
Mkok:Alue -
Kanta:Lehtipuu -
Vh HSY toiminta al 2017 2019
Vh HSY toiminta al 2017 2019 -
MM 01040 Museums by type and guests (2001-2017)
MM 01040 Museums by type and guests (2001-2017) -
LSK 01-IV 20. Grouping of farms by floor space of pigsties
LSK 01-IV 20. Grouping of farms by floor space of pigsties -
Pressure in a few places 1949-2016
Pressure in a few places 1949-2016 -
Selling prices of piglets
Selling prices of piglets -
AM 03021 Employees by business sector, sex and country of birth/citizenship (...
AM 03021 Employees by business sector, sex and country of birth/citizenship (1985 M 01-2018 M 07) -
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2016 by month
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2016 by month -
Runway Centreline Point Default Style
Runway Centreline Point Default Style -
LAG 110. Grouping of farms by yield of cereals
LAG 110. Grouping of farms by yield of cereals -
Comparative price levels
Comparative price levels -
LSK 01-I 43. Use of arable land by farms of different size
LSK 01-I 43. Use of arable land by farms of different size -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Lehtipuu
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Lehtipuu -
A RC 140 c. Export unit value indices by main commodity groups (according to ...
A RC 140 c. Export unit value indices by main commodity groups (according to CN), 2000-2013 -
Kanta:Vesiliikennealue -
LAG 100. Area of hothouses and production
LAG 100. Area of hothouses and production -
Ladut koe
Ladut koe -
Raideliikenne rakenne
Raideliikenne rakenne -
LSK 01-II 11. Sown area under cereals and districts
LSK 01-II 11. Sown area under cereals and districts -
Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2008, Satakunnan vaalipiiri
Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2008, Satakunnan vaalipiiri -
LSK 10-II 02. Agricultural holdings by agricultural area
LSK 10-II 02. Agricultural holdings by agricultural area -
Ak:korttelialue -
Mkos:Osoite -
Lehtipuurivi -
Mkos:Osoitetieto -
Kanta:Porttaali -
Laavakiven patikointireitti
Laavakiven patikointireitti -
Kerava pienalueet
Kerava pienalueet