IB 02070 Mortality rate (per 1,000) by age and sex (1985-2017)
IB 02070 Mortality rate (per 1,000) by age and sex (1985-2017) -
Akaava:Kaavayksikko -
Convicted minors, by type of crimes, 2000-2017
Convicted minors, by type of crimes, 2000-2017 -
Double names of females 1 January 2005
Double names of females 1 January 2005 -
RL 01010 Cases at the Faroese Court (1996-2017)
RL 01010 Cases at the Faroese Court (1996-2017) -
Labour cost by industrial activities, 2004-2010
Labour cost by industrial activities, 2004-2010 -
If more difficult than normal, this is mainly due to (quarterly)
If more difficult than normal, this is mainly due to (quarterly) -
Public expenditure on education
Public expenditure on education -
Same sex marriages and divorces 1996-2011
Same sex marriages and divorces 1996-2011 -
Completiondeclaration point 11 60
Completiondeclaration point 11 60 -
Kohde -
Final energy consumption
Final energy consumption -
Opaskartta muut viivat
Opaskartta muut viivat -
Imports by commodities (CITS) 1936-1951
Imports by commodities (CITS) 1936-1951 -
Political parties 2006-2008
Political parties 2006-2008 -
Capital stock 1990-2017
Capital stock 1990-2017 -
MT 3.8.3 Population by grandchildren abroad, type of family, age and place of...
MT 3.8.3 Population by grandchildren abroad, type of family, age and place of usual residence -
Wfs Tuulivoima
Wfs Tuulivoima -
Akaava:Johdoillevarattualue -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Polku
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Polku -
Kanta:Paikannimi -
PF 01020 Faroese and Danish MFIs: Deposits from and loans to Faroese units by...
PF 01020 Faroese and Danish MFIs: Deposits from and loans to Faroese units by industry (2013 M 09-2018 M 08) -
Infant mortality by sex and area, 1980-2017
Infant mortality by sex and area, 1980-2017 -
LSK 10-VI 06. Cattle housing by number of cattle on holding
LSK 10-VI 06. Cattle housing by number of cattle on holding -
Akaava:Suojelualuemaarays -
Population on 1 January
Population on 1 January -
Kanta:SuojeltavaKohde -
Agricultural output 2007-2017
Agricultural output 2007-2017 -
002 -- Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-...
002 -- Time Use (26 categories) by labour market position in 1987-1988, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010