Opev 2013 14 yhteiskayttoalue ylakoulu suomi
Opev 2013 14 yhteiskayttoalue ylakoulu suomi -
HM 01030 Admissions at hospitals by diagnostic group and sex (1998-2008)
HM 01030 Admissions at hospitals by diagnostic group and sex (1998-2008) -
Private service sector, monthly series
Private service sector, monthly series -
Ranks of female names by age group, 1 st January 2017
Ranks of female names by age group, 1 st January 2017 -
LSS 27. Grouping of farms by number of pigs
LSS 27. Grouping of farms by number of pigs -
Other gainful activities of agricultural holdings
Other gainful activities of agricultural holdings -
Imports by division of the SITC 1952-1962
Imports by division of the SITC 1952-1962 -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Rakenne
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Rakenne -
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2013-2017
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2013-2017 -
Vihti tilastoalueet
Vihti tilastoalueet -
MT 9.5.1 Private households by availability of internet, type of household an...
MT 9.5.1 Private households by availability of internet, type of household and place of usual residence -
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, MuuLiikennealue
Maankäyttö: Asemakaava, MuuLiikennealue -
LSS 24. Grouping of farms by number of cattle
LSS 24. Grouping of farms by number of cattle -
Main food consumption by areas, 2006-2017
Main food consumption by areas, 2006-2017 -
State transfers, million euro by year and transfer
State transfers, million euro by year and transfer -
Hyvinkaa suuralueet
Hyvinkaa suuralueet -
Fluoridiriskialue -
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Numeerisen pohjakartan rajaus
Maankäyttö: Kantakartta, Numeerisen pohjakartan rajaus -
Projekt punkt oversigtskort
Projekt punkt oversigtskort -
Seutukartta maankaytto viheralueet
Seutukartta maankaytto viheralueet -
Kanta:Lehtipuu -
Rehabilitation centres for substance abusers, care days in services purchased...
Rehabilitation centres for substance abusers, care days in services purchased from public entities -
JVS 050 c. Average number of employees by kind of economic activity in full t...
JVS 050 c. Average number of employees by kind of economic activity in full time work units by quarter -
Water use in Iceland 2010-2015
Water use in Iceland 2010-2015 -
Samba Wells for Frisbee
Samba Wells for Frisbee -
SS 03020 Tunnels by place, finish year and dimensions
SS 03020 Tunnels by place, finish year and dimensions -
Protected areas in Åland 1986-2016 by year and statistic
Protected areas in Åland 1986-2016 by year and statistic -
Kommunale cykelstier
Kommunale cykelstier -
Kaavahakemisto alue maanalainenkaava vireilla
Kaavahakemisto alue maanalainenkaava vireilla -