Merkki -
Geofysiske projekter
Geofysiske projekter -
Akaava:Rakennusala -
Lehtijako: 1 x 1 km
Lehtijako: 1 x 1 km -
GIS:Osoitteet -
Sp bassiner
Sp bassiner -
Results of agricultural operations 2007-2017
Results of agricultural operations 2007-2017 -
IB 03080 Matrix of internal migration (1985-2017)
IB 03080 Matrix of internal migration (1985-2017) -
UFG 020. Profit or loss of merchants (mln euro)
UFG 020. Profit or loss of merchants (mln euro) -
Täplärapu -
Revenue of private broadcasting stations 1986-2010
Revenue of private broadcasting stations 1986-2010 -
UV 04010 Nursing College, students by class and graduated (2003-2010)
UV 04010 Nursing College, students by class and graduated (2003-2010) -
Daily newspaper subscription-fee 1950-2010
Daily newspaper subscription-fee 1950-2010 -
Vihti pienalueet
Vihti pienalueet -
Seutukartta hel perus
Seutukartta hel perus -
Maanalainentila -
LSS 30. Grouping of farms by number of poultry
LSS 30. Grouping of farms by number of poultry -
Seutukartta liikenne metroasemat
Seutukartta liikenne metroasemat -
Special showings of Icelandic films 2000-2010
Special showings of Icelandic films 2000-2010 -
Abortions by age group, 1995-2017
Abortions by age group, 1995-2017 -
Population density by area 1.1.2011
Population density by area 1.1.2011 -
RaideliikenneRakenne -
Pitajat -
LSK 01-V 06. Grouping of farms where employed only farm holders
LSK 01-V 06. Grouping of farms where employed only farm holders -
Seutukartta liikenne juna rata
Seutukartta liikenne juna rata -
Population density by area 1.1.2010
Population density by area 1.1.2010 -
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava vireilla
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava vireilla -
Yk:yleiskaava ruudut
Yk:yleiskaava ruudut -
Newspapers by frequency of issue 1900-2010
Newspapers by frequency of issue 1900-2010 -