Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, HallinnollinenAlue
Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, HallinnollinenAlue -
Average household expenditure and size by residence from 2002
Average household expenditure and size by residence from 2002 -
Length of Distric Court proceedings in cases concluded 2008-2010
Length of Distric Court proceedings in cases concluded 2008-2010 -
VV 09010 Rescue operations and assistances at sea by authority (1996-2017)
VV 09010 Rescue operations and assistances at sea by authority (1996-2017) -
Elected representatives 2012 och 2016 by sex, municipality och municipal body
Elected representatives 2012 och 2016 by sex, municipality och municipal body -
Ilmanlaatu nyt
Ilmanlaatu nyt -
Pysyvä nopeusrajoitus
Pysyvä nopeusrajoitus -
Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land area k...
Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land area km 2 by area 1980 - 2016 -
Papanapuut sis pesat point
Papanapuut sis pesat point -
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 27 April 2013 - Northwes...
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 27 April 2013 - Northwest constituency -
Imports and exports by divisions of the SITC, Rev 4. 1999-2015
Imports and exports by divisions of the SITC, Rev 4. 1999-2015 -
Final consumption expenditure of general government
Final consumption expenditure of general government -
Gross domestic product 2008-2015 by information, industry and year
Gross domestic product 2008-2015 by information, industry and year -
Sectoral breakdown of miscellaneous credit undertakings 2006-2016
Sectoral breakdown of miscellaneous credit undertakings 2006-2016 -
Another animal observations
Another animal observations -
Trade volume indices, by reporting country
Trade volume indices, by reporting country -
Rode -
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava vireilla
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava vireilla -
Musslor-nationella-miljoovervakningsstationer - Miljöövervakningsstationer fö...
Musslor-nationella-miljoovervakningsstationer - Miljöövervakningsstationer för sötvatten, kust och hav samt badplatser -
IP 02050 Consumer price index, annual average and average inflation rate (194...
IP 02050 Consumer price index, annual average and average inflation rate (1940-2017) -
Total expenditure on social protection by type
Total expenditure on social protection by type -
Yksin asuvat peruspiireittäin
Yksin asuvat peruspiireittäin -
Students by year, level, age, origin and sex 1997-2017
Students by year, level, age, origin and sex 1997-2017 -
Activity indicators of public libraries, by area, 1995-2017
Activity indicators of public libraries, by area, 1995-2017 -
Family care, older people in services funded by the municipality, on 31 Dec
Family care, older people in services funded by the municipality, on 31 Dec -
Present population by districts and cities, as of January 1, 2004-2018
Present population by districts and cities, as of January 1, 2004-2018 -
TB 02040 Gross national income, saving and net lending at current prices (Wil...
TB 02040 Gross national income, saving and net lending at current prices (Will be available these autumn) -
Overview of Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income 1945-2017
Overview of Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income 1945-2017 -
Koirapuistot -
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 25 April 2009 - Southwes...
Members of the Althingi elected in general elections 25 April 2009 - Southwest constituency