Wfs Maisema
Wfs Maisema -
Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes
Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes -
Opev ooa alaaste suomi tuleva
Opev ooa alaaste suomi tuleva -
Wfs Kohde
Wfs Kohde -
Building cost index, subindices by building stage from 2010
Building cost index, subindices by building stage from 2010 -
LSK 10-II 09. Open field nursery and flower areas by statistical region (ha)
LSK 10-II 09. Open field nursery and flower areas by statistical region (ha) -
Psychiatric rehabilitation homes, clients aged 65-74, on 31 Dec
Psychiatric rehabilitation homes, clients aged 65-74, on 31 Dec -
Building cost index, subindices by input categories from 2010
Building cost index, subindices by input categories from 2010 -
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viheralueet
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viheralueet -
Kulturhus -
LSK 01-IV 27. Sheep houses by construction period and farms of different size
LSK 01-IV 27. Sheep houses by construction period and farms of different size -
Suutari -
Akaava:Maisema-alue -
Lainvoimainen osayleiskaava
Lainvoimainen osayleiskaava -
Index -
Operating accounts by division, paired enterprises 2004 and 2005
Operating accounts by division, paired enterprises 2004 and 2005 -
Jokirapu -
Discretionary psychotherapy, recipients aged 13-17 (up to 2004)
Discretionary psychotherapy, recipients aged 13-17 (up to 2004) -
Helsingin kaupungin rakennushankkeet
Helsingin kaupungin rakennushankkeet -
Helsingin asuntokuntien tulot ja verotus 31.12.
Helsingin asuntokuntien tulot ja verotus 31.12. -
UH 01050 Export of goods by commodity groups and months (1993-2018)
UH 01050 Export of goods by commodity groups and months (1993-2018) -
Andel timer visiteret til privat hjemmepleje fordelt på ydelsestype
Andel timer visiteret til privat hjemmepleje fordelt på ydelsestype -
Wfs Johto
Wfs Johto -
Seutukartta aluejako pienalue
Seutukartta aluejako pienalue -
Overnight shelters, resident days in services purchased from public entities
Overnight shelters, resident days in services purchased from public entities -
Gender differences in aggregate replacement ratio - EU-SILC survey
Gender differences in aggregate replacement ratio - EU-SILC survey -
Kaupunginosat -
Danske boringers sandtykkelser 50-100 mut
Danske boringers sandtykkelser 50-100 mut -
Kuore -
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava voimassa
Kaavahakemisto alue kaava voimassa