Support services, clients in services funded by the municipality, during year
Support services, clients in services funded by the municipality, during year -
Social benefits by function - million EUR
Social benefits by function - million EUR -
Balance sheet by section, all available enterprises 2008 and 2009
Balance sheet by section, all available enterprises 2008 and 2009 -
MM 01020 Faroese book production by original language and genre (1967-2017)
MM 01020 Faroese book production by original language and genre (1967-2017) -
Water use from public water supply, by NACE Rev. 2 activity
Water use from public water supply, by NACE Rev. 2 activity -
Wfs OsaAlue
Wfs OsaAlue -
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions -
Members of associations of journalists and graphic designers 1980-2017
Members of associations of journalists and graphic designers 1980-2017 -
Talviliukupaikat -
Seutukartta aluejako kuntarajat
Seutukartta aluejako kuntarajat -
Students by level, domicile, origin and sex 1997-2017
Students by level, domicile, origin and sex 1997-2017 -
Investments in long term tangible assets, by sources of financing, 2000-2016
Investments in long term tangible assets, by sources of financing, 2000-2016 -
Clients in elderly care 2000-2017
Clients in elderly care 2000-2017 -
Psychiatric rehabilitation homes, clients aged 18-64, on 31 Dec
Psychiatric rehabilitation homes, clients aged 18-64, on 31 Dec -
Koirapuistot -
Jernbane oversigtskort
Jernbane oversigtskort -
Births of the Basque Country by province, vitality, weight in grams and sex
Births of the Basque Country by province, vitality, weight in grams and sex -
Ylitysalueita-liito-orava-Nastola polygon
Ylitysalueita-liito-orava-Nastola polygon -
Seutukartta aluejako tilastoalue
Seutukartta aluejako tilastoalue -
Emissions of particulate matter from transport
Emissions of particulate matter from transport -
Balance sheet by division, paired enterprises 2010 and 2011
Balance sheet by division, paired enterprises 2010 and 2011 -
DECUMANUS viherkatot spontaanit
DECUMANUS viherkatot spontaanit -
UV 04030 Centre of Maritime Studies and Engineering, graduated by training an...
UV 04030 Centre of Maritime Studies and Engineering, graduated by training and sex (2003-2017) -
Osoitteet - numerot
Osoitteet - numerot -
Allocation of environmental protection investments 1992-2014
Allocation of environmental protection investments 1992-2014 -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 3, 2005-2007
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 3, 2005-2007 -
Ahven -
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viherosat
Yleisten alueiden rekisteri, viherosat -
Resident population by cities and districts, as of January 1, 2005-2018
Resident population by cities and districts, as of January 1, 2005-2018 -
AL 03010 The sickness benefit, recipients by sex, duration and category (2001...
AL 03010 The sickness benefit, recipients by sex, duration and category (2001-2016)