MT 6.1.4 Population by current activity status, status of employment, occupat...
MT 6.1.4 Population by current activity status, status of employment, occupation, age and sex -
Housing cost overburden rate by age group - EU-SILC survey
Housing cost overburden rate by age group - EU-SILC survey -
Parameters of indebted by liabilities deciles 1997-2016 : Average
Parameters of indebted by liabilities deciles 1997-2016 : Average -
Building cost indices, total index
Building cost indices, total index -
Mass media market volume in Finland 1997 - 2015
Mass media market volume in Finland 1997 - 2015 -
Support services, clients aged 80-84 in services funded by the municipality, ...
Support services, clients aged 80-84 in services funded by the municipality, during the year (as from 2012) -
Support services, clients aged 75-79 in services funded by the municipality, ...
Support services, clients aged 75-79 in services funded by the municipality, during the year (as from 2012) -
Pysäköintivirheet Vantaalla
Pysäköintivirheet Vantaalla -
Rakennusten aurinkosahkopotentiaali pks
Rakennusten aurinkosahkopotentiaali pks -
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2012
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2012 -
MT 5.1.3 Population by educational attainment level, current activity status,...
MT 5.1.3 Population by educational attainment level, current activity status, age and sex -
Graduates in postsecondary vocational institutions by sex, in territorial asp...
Graduates in postsecondary vocational institutions by sex, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services purchased from ...
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services purchased from municipalities, on 31 Dec (2012 - 2014) -
Meluselvitys 2012 alue 12 rautatiet L yo
Meluselvitys 2012 alue 12 rautatiet L yo -
Espoon asuntotuotanto talo- ja huoneistotyypin mukaan
Espoon asuntotuotanto talo- ja huoneistotyypin mukaan -
Pylväät -
Remuneration of employees, 1995-2014
Remuneration of employees, 1995-2014 -
Blomsterplanter -
003 -- Profit and loss accounts of life insurance companies
003 -- Profit and loss accounts of life insurance companies -
App:Barmarksløype -
Lipas 4810 ampumarata
Lipas 4810 ampumarata -
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, funded by the municip...
Institutions for people with intellectual disabilities, funded by the municipality, clients on 31 Dec (up to 2005) -
Befolkningen efter år, bydel, alder og statsborgerskab
Befolkningen efter år, bydel, alder og statsborgerskab -
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services produced by the...
Day centres for people with disabilities, clients in services produced by the municipality, on 31 Dec (2012 - 2014) -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Completion rate and dropout from upper secondary education 1995-2016
Completion rate and dropout from upper secondary education 1995-2016 -
Osoiteluettelo piste rekisteritiedot
Osoiteluettelo piste rekisteritiedot -
Members of the State Lutheran church by deaneries, parishes and congregations...
Members of the State Lutheran church by deaneries, parishes and congregations 2005 -
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 65 and over in care during year
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 65 and over in care during year -
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 0-17 during year
Institutions for substance abusers, care days for clients aged 0-17 during year