Karre oversigtskort
Karre oversigtskort -
Students in tertiary education (ISCED 5-6) by NUTS 2 regions
Students in tertiary education (ISCED 5-6) by NUTS 2 regions -
Meluselvitys 2012 alue 11 rautatiet L den
Meluselvitys 2012 alue 11 rautatiet L den -
Imported raw material for fish processing by species and market area 2000-2017
Imported raw material for fish processing by species and market area 2000-2017 -
Housing services for substance abusers, resident days in the municipality's o...
Housing services for substance abusers, resident days in the municipality's own services, during year -
Energy Accounts 2011-
Energy Accounts 2011- -
Kuntien investoinnit 2006
Kuntien investoinnit 2006 -
Immigrants by country of destination and purpose of arrival, 2011-2017
Immigrants by country of destination and purpose of arrival, 2011-2017 -
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 02 tieliikenne L Aeq yo
Meluselvitys 2007 alue 02 tieliikenne L Aeq yo -
Roskikset -
Cases of Tuberculosis per 100,000 Inhabitants - Finland
The dataset collection contains information about the cases of tuberculosis per 100,000 inhabitants in Finland. The collection consists of one table titled 'Cases of... -
Family care, children and young people in services funded by the municipality...
Family care, children and young people in services funded by the municipality, on 31 Dec (up to 2014) -
Uudenmaan kuntien kulutusyksikkökohtaiset gini -kertoimet 2005-
Uudenmaan kuntien kulutusyksikkökohtaiset gini -kertoimet 2005- -
Antal hjemmeplejemodtagere fordelt på plejetyngde (opgjort i timer per uge)
Antal hjemmeplejemodtagere fordelt på plejetyngde (opgjort i timer per uge) -
Institutions with doctorate activities by form of ownership, 2005-2017
Institutions with doctorate activities by form of ownership, 2005-2017 -
Structure of investments in long term tangible assets by fixed assets, 2005-2016
Structure of investments in long term tangible assets by fixed assets, 2005-2016 -
Wfs MkAluevaraus
Wfs MkAluevaraus -
Havstrategi omraader
Havstrategi omraader -
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 0-17 during...
Institutions for substance abusers, care periods for clients aged 0-17 during year -
BR.Bio-geographicalRegions - Limniska ekoregioner
BR.Bio-geographicalRegions - Limniska ekoregioner -
Population according to urban-rural classification in 1990 to 2016
Population according to urban-rural classification in 1990 to 2016 -
LK 02030 Municipal operations and investments (1993-2009) - discontinued
LK 02030 Municipal operations and investments (1993-2009) - discontinued -
Obs points
Obs points -
Bussipysäkit -
Helsingin väkiluku 1.1.1875-1993 ja vuodenvaihteissa 1993/94-2013/14
Helsingin väkiluku 1.1.1875-1993 ja vuodenvaihteissa 1993/94-2013/14 -
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2013-2014
MML, Hallintorajat, teemakartoille, ei merialueita, 1:1 000 000, 2013-2014 -
Household dwelling units 1997-2016 by municipality, floor area, year and type...
Household dwelling units 1997-2016 by municipality, floor area, year and type of house -
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1 -
Housing services for substance abusers, resident days in services purchased f...
Housing services for substance abusers, resident days in services purchased from others, during year -
Limniska ekoregioner - Limniska ekoregioner
Limniska ekoregioner - Limniska ekoregioner