012 -- 8. Number of income recipients, taxable incomes and taxes 2005-2009
012 -- 8. Number of income recipients, taxable incomes and taxes 2005-2009 -
009 -- Age-specific fertility (5-year) rates by age of mother in 2000 to 2017
009 -- Age-specific fertility (5-year) rates by age of mother in 2000 to 2017 -
004 -- 2 b. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2014...
004 -- 2 b. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2014, taxed by state, EUR 1000 -
020 -- At-risk-of poverty indicators with fixed at-risk-of-poverty thresholds...
020 -- At-risk-of poverty indicators with fixed at-risk-of-poverty thresholds 2005 - 2017 -
2.1. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in ...
2.1. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2017 -
001 -- Environmental protection expenditure in industry 1992-2014
001 -- Environmental protection expenditure in industry 1992-2014 -
001 -- Environmental goods and services 2012-2017
001 -- Environmental goods and services 2012-2017 -
2. Election map data by constituency - Presidential election 2012.
Election map data by constituency - Presidential election 2012. -
011 -- Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land...
011 -- Population according to language and the number of foreigners and land area km 2 by area in 1980 to 2017 -
004 -- Employment quarterly 1990 Q 1-
004 -- Employment quarterly 1990 Q 1- -
Notable depressions
Notable depressions -
4.1 Municipal elections 2012, support for parties and voting turnout
4.1 Municipal elections 2012, support for parties and voting turnout -
110 -- 8. Second round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituen...
110 -- 8. Second round. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Presidential elections 2012 -
11 il -- Volume of goods, vehicle mileage and transport performance of domest...
11 il -- Volume of goods, vehicle mileage and transport performance of domestic road transport, 2011-2017 -
2. Election map data by constituency - Municipal elections 2012
Election map data by constituency - Municipal elections 2012 -
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income su...
009 -- 5. Income recipients and taxable incomes by major region and income subject to state taxation, 2011 -
1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential e...
1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2006, first round. -
Other investment by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency
Other investment by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency -
11 g 6 -- Number of income recipients by income-class, 2017
11 g 6 -- Number of income recipients by income-class, 2017 -
11 f 7 -- Bankruptcies by region (TOL 2008), 2003 M 01-2019 M 02
11 f 7 -- Bankruptcies by region (TOL 2008), 2003 M 01-2019 M 02 -
11 l 4 -- Citizenships granted according to age group and sex by region, 2010...
11 l 4 -- Citizenships granted according to age group and sex by region, 2010-2017 -
11 cy -- Average CO 2 emissions of newly registered passenger cars, 2006-2018
11 cy -- Average CO 2 emissions of newly registered passenger cars, 2006-2018 -
002 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and major...
002 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and major region 2002-2016, in 2016 money -
003 -- 2 a. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2010
003 -- 2 a. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2010 -
5.10. Discarded ballots by reason and constituency in Municipal elections 2017
5.10. Discarded ballots by reason and constituency in Municipal elections 2017 -
11 by -- Suicides by age and gender, 1921-2017
11 by -- Suicides by age and gender, 1921-2017 -
11 rd -- Population according to age (1-year) and sex, 1970-2018
11 rd -- Population according to age (1-year) and sex, 1970-2018 -
004 -- 2 b. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2012...
004 -- 2 b. Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2012, taxed by state, EUR 1000 -
001 -- Migration by month and sex in 1990 to 2016
001 -- Migration by month and sex in 1990 to 2016 -
001 -- Population by area, main type of activity, sex, age and year 1987-2017*
001 -- Population by area, main type of activity, sex, age and year 1987-2017*