001 -- Finnish affiliates abroad by country group in 2010-2017
001 -- Finnish affiliates abroad by country group in 2010-2017 -
HICP - annual average indices for transport prices
HICP - annual average indices for transport prices -
3.3. Varsinais-Suomen vaalipiirin valittujen ehdokkaiden ääniosuudet kunnitta...
3.3. Varsinais-Suomen vaalipiirin valittujen ehdokkaiden ääniosuudet kunnittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2011 -
004 -- Vuoden 2004 lukiokoulutuksen uusien opiskelijoiden opintojen kulku vuo...
004 -- Vuoden 2004 lukiokoulutuksen uusien opiskelijoiden opintojen kulku vuoden 2007 loppuun mennessä -
1. Election map data by municipality - Parliamentary elections 2015
Election map data by municipality - Parliamentary elections 2015 -
3.6 Häme constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipal...
3.6 Häme constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion
Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion -
11 jc -- Price index of single family house plots 2015=100, yearly, 2015-2018
11 jc -- Price index of single family house plots 2015=100, yearly, 2015-2018 -
Balance of payments, financial account, net, quarterly data
Balance of payments, financial account, net, quarterly data -
002 -- Central government guarantees by quarter starting from 2005, EUR million
002 -- Central government guarantees by quarter starting from 2005, EUR million -
3.11 Central Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights ...
3.11 Central Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 -
005 -- Cost index of civil engineering works 2005=100, Indices by structure
005 -- Cost index of civil engineering works 2005=100, Indices by structure -
001 -- Ilmanpäästöt toimialoittain 2008-2016
001 -- Ilmanpäästöt toimialoittain 2008-2016 -
11 my -- Job vacancies by size of the establishment, 2013 Q 1-2019 Q 1
11 my -- Job vacancies by size of the establishment, 2013 Q 1-2019 Q 1 -
101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Preside...
101 -- 1.1. Number and proportion of votes cast for the candidates in Presidential election 2018, first round. -
Kuntayhtymien ja niiden liikelaitosten talousarviot 2008-2009
Kuntayhtymien ja niiden liikelaitosten talousarviot 2008-2009 -
902 -- Teollisuuden energiankäyttö (TOL 2002)
902 -- Teollisuuden energiankäyttö (TOL 2002) -
2.8. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex an...
2.8. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in European Parliament elections in 2014 and 2009 -
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by coastal and non-coast...
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by coastal and non-coastal area (from 2012 onwards) -
004 -- Tieliikenteessä kuolleet ja loukkaantuneet ikäluokittain ja kuukausitt...
004 -- Tieliikenteessä kuolleet ja loukkaantuneet ikäluokittain ja kuukausittain 2003-2019 -
901 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys suuralueittain 1975-2008*
901 -- Tuotanto ja työllisyys suuralueittain 1975-2008* -
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019...
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Jyväskylä. -
3.13. Keski-Suomen vaalipiirin valittujen ehdokkaiden ääniosuudet kunnittain ...
3.13. Keski-Suomen vaalipiirin valittujen ehdokkaiden ääniosuudet kunnittain eduskuntavaaleissa 2011 -
Real effective exchange rate - 37 trading partners
Real effective exchange rate - 37 trading partners -
4.5. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Häme constitu...
4.5. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Häme constituency -
002 -- Students and qualifications in education leading to a qualification by...
002 -- Students and qualifications in education leading to a qualification by education and sector of education in 2004 to 2014 -
Kuntien investoinnit 2007
Kuntien investoinnit 2007 -
5.14. Names, votes, Candidates and council seats of the non-partisan voters a...
5.14. Names, votes, Candidates and council seats of the non-partisan voters assosations in Municipal elections 2012 -
Työlliset sosioekonomisen aseman mukaan 1970-2009
Työlliset sosioekonomisen aseman mukaan 1970-2009 -
003 -- Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2016, EUR...
003 -- Taxation of individuals by income subject to state taxation, 2016, EUR 1000