11 zx -- Non-financial assets annually, 1995-2017
11 zx -- Non-financial assets annually, 1995-2017 -
3.12. Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Keski-Suomen vaalipiiri
3.12. Ehdokkaat kunnittain kunnallisvaaleissa 2012, Keski-Suomen vaalipiiri -
11 h 2 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2...
11 h 2 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2005=100), 2000 M 01-2019 M 01 -
902 -- Kulttuurin bruttoarvonlisäys 2008-2011 (TOL 2008)
902 -- Kulttuurin bruttoarvonlisäys 2008-2011 (TOL 2008) -
11 jp -- Price index of single family house plots 1985=100, chained series, 1...
11 jp -- Price index of single family house plots 1985=100, chained series, 1985 Q 1-2018 Q 4 -
11 wg -- Producer Price Index for Services (2015=100), 2017 M 01-2019 M 03
11 wg -- Producer Price Index for Services (2015=100), 2017 M 01-2019 M 03 -
910 -- Kotimaan tieliikenteen keskimääräinen kuljetusmatka tavaralajeittain 2...
910 -- Kotimaan tieliikenteen keskimääräinen kuljetusmatka tavaralajeittain 2008-2010 -
Other investment - annual data, million units of national currency
Other investment - annual data, million units of national currency -
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015...
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Jyväskylä. -
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2008
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2008 -
117 j -- Volume of goods, vehicle mileage and transport performance of domest...
117 j -- Volume of goods, vehicle mileage and transport performance of domestic road transport by type of cargo, 2011-2018 -
Kuntien rahoituslaskelmat 1993-1997 (vuosi 1997 sisältää vain Ahvenanmaan kun...
Kuntien rahoituslaskelmat 1993-1997 (vuosi 1997 sisältää vain Ahvenanmaan kuntien tiedot) -
Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, consolidated - millio...
Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency -
Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, North Karelia constit...
Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, North Karelia constituency -
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municip...
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
005 -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 and hours actually worked by...
005 -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 and hours actually worked by employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008 version 8) -
917 -- Input coefficients 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995
917 -- Input coefficients 2000-2007 (TOL 2002/CPA 2002) EKT 1995 -
903 -- Electricity generation capacities in peak load period
903 -- Electricity generation capacities in peak load period -
Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Munic...
Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2008 -
902 -- External assets and liabilities by investment type and sectors, flow
902 -- External assets and liabilities by investment type and sectors, flow -
8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate w...
8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate was elected by party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 -
3. Asukkaiden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot 2016
Asukkaiden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot 2016 -
High-tech patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority...
High-tech patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority year -
Unemployment rate by sex
Unemployment rate by sex -
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2016
024 -- Väestöntiheys alueittain 1.1.2016 -
Inequality of income distribution
Inequality of income distribution -
Kuntien käyttötalous 2006-2014
Kuntien käyttötalous 2006-2014 -
010 -- Ruumiinavaukset ja muut kuolemansyyn selvittämistavat vainajan iän muk...
010 -- Ruumiinavaukset ja muut kuolemansyyn selvittämistavat vainajan iän mukaan 1975-2016 -
Share of women among tertiary students
Share of women among tertiary students -
906 -- Ammattiluokituksen mukaiset ansio- ja lukumäärätiedot, yksityisen sekt...
906 -- Ammattiluokituksen mukaiset ansio- ja lukumäärätiedot, yksityisen sektorin kuukausipalkkaiset 2006