AM 01040 Employed by part time/full time, sex and age (2005-2013)
AM 01040 Employed by part time/full time, sex and age (2005-2013) -
LSK 01-I 56. Agricultural farms by type of farming
LSK 01-I 56. Agricultural farms by type of farming -
Wfs ostkaavaAlue
Wfs ostkaavaAlue -
MT 7.3.5 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, occupa...
MT 7.3.5 Population by functioning disability, educational attainment, occupation, age and sex -
Opev 2013 14 yhteiskayttoalue ylakoulu suomi
Opev 2013 14 yhteiskayttoalue ylakoulu suomi -
Registered motor vehicles 1950-2016
Registered motor vehicles 1950-2016 -
KB 02010 Consumer expectations - indicator and balances for each question, tw...
KB 02010 Consumer expectations - indicator and balances for each question, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
KB 02010 Consumer expectations - indicator and balances for each question, tw...
KB 02010 Consumer expectations - indicator and balances for each question, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
LSK 01-IV 15. Grouping of farms by floor space of cattle sheds
LSK 01-IV 15. Grouping of farms by floor space of cattle sheds -
MT 4.2.6 Dwellings by type, year of construction, size and place of residence
MT 4.2.6 Dwellings by type, year of construction, size and place of residence -
MT 1.4.5 Population by year of arrival in the country, age, sex and place of ...
MT 1.4.5 Population by year of arrival in the country, age, sex and place of usual residence -
Hospital beds 2007-2017
Hospital beds 2007-2017 -
Injured persons as a result of road accidents, per 10 000 persons, in territo...
Injured persons as a result of road accidents, per 10 000 persons, in territorial aspect, 2009-2017 -
Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, education and income
Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, education and income -
Percent of old age pension beneficiaries by type of payment, financers, resid...
Percent of old age pension beneficiaries by type of payment, financers, residence, gender and age in December 2007-2016 -
Percent of old age pension beneficiaries by type of payment, financers, resid...
Percent of old age pension beneficiaries by type of payment, financers, residence, gender and age in December 2007-2016 -
Catch of Icelandic vessels from all fishing areas 1945-2017
Catch of Icelandic vessels from all fishing areas 1945-2017 -
Average age of spouses of the A.C. of the Basque Country by province, sex, pr...
Average age of spouses of the Basque Country by province, sex, profession and marital status -
Exports by branches of processing and commodities (SI classification) 2002-2017
Exports by branches of processing and commodities (SI classification) 2002-2017 -
Live births and late fetal deaths by sex 1951-2017
Live births and late fetal deaths by sex 1951-2017 -
KB 03020 Detailed expectations for primary sector and industry, twice a year ...
KB 03020 Detailed expectations for primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
KB 03020 Detailed expectations for primary sector and industry, twice a year ...
KB 03020 Detailed expectations for primary sector and industry, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
Managers and board of directors of enterprises by gender and age 1999-2017
Managers and board of directors of enterprises by gender and age 1999-2017 -
Financial accounts 2003-2016
Financial accounts 2003-2016 -
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 06 raitioliikenne L Aeq yo
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 06 raitioliikenne L Aeq yo -
LSK 01-IV 62. Supply of farms with water by districts
LSK 01-IV 62. Supply of farms with water by districts -
Household quarterly questions
Household quarterly questions -
LSK 10-IV 03. Manure application by statistical region
LSK 10-IV 03. Manure application by statistical region -
Population aged 25-64 years, by age groups, level of education and sex, 2008-...
Population aged 25-64 years, by age groups, level of education and sex, 2008-2017 -
MT 3.8.3 Population by grandchildren abroad, type of family, age and place of...
MT 3.8.3 Population by grandchildren abroad, type of family, age and place of usual residence