Overnight stays in sleeping-bag facilities by region 1998-2017
Overnight stays in sleeping-bag facilities by region 1998-2017 -
Dropout from tertiary education by sex, year of study, mode of teaching and a...
Dropout from tertiary education by sex, year of study, mode of teaching and amount of study 2002-2003 -
Dropout from tertiary education by sex, year of study, mode of teaching and a...
Dropout from tertiary education by sex, year of study, mode of teaching and amount of study 2002-2003 -
Households receiving municipal income support by age and region 1997-2017
Households receiving municipal income support by age and region 1997-2017 -
Sentrumssoner 2015
Sentrumssoner 2015 -
Urval: Tema Yrkesfiske
Urval: Tema Yrkesfiske -
LSK 01-IV 12. Cattle sheds by construction period
LSK 01-IV 12. Cattle sheds by construction period -
TRG 330. Cargo turnover by road (mln tonne-kilometres)
TRG 330. Cargo turnover by road (mln tonne-kilometres) -
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 13 maantiet L den
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 13 maantiet L den -
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 15 raitioliikenne L den
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 15 raitioliikenne L den -
Resident population by cities, as of January 1, 1980-2018
Resident population by cities, as of January 1, 1980-2018 -
Vireillä olevat yleiskaavat
Vireillä olevat yleiskaavat -
International delegations of parliament 2003-2009
International delegations of parliament 2003-2009 -
Hanöbukten översiktligt område
Hanöbukten översiktligt område -
Bratten översiktligt havsområde
Bratten översiktligt havsområde -
Kanta:Kivi -
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2015
024 -- Population density by area 1.1.2015 -
Homeless persons by sex, age, region, family, education and current activitys...
Homeless persons by sex, age, region, family, education and current activitystatus 31 December 2011 -
Homeless persons by sex, age, region, family, education and current activitys...
Homeless persons by sex, age, region, family, education and current activitystatus 31 December 2011 -
Imports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
Imports of goods - machinery and transport equipment -
Minors aged 0-17 years who committed crimes by type of crimes, 2000-2017
Minors aged 0-17 years who committed crimes by type of crimes, 2000-2017 -
Passengers and vehicles from abroad on car ferries 1981-2017
Passengers and vehicles from abroad on car ferries 1981-2017 -
IP 01025 Equivalent Income by deciles, sex and age (2009-2016)
IP 01025 Equivalent Income by deciles, sex and age (2009-2016) -
Members of municipal income support households by age and region 1997-2017
Members of municipal income support households by age and region 1997-2017 -
RL 02040 Processing of penal cases and other crimes (1996-2017)
RL 02040 Processing of penal cases and other crimes (1996-2017) -
Exports by broad economic categories (BEC) 1999-2015
Exports by broad economic categories (BEC) 1999-2015 -
MT 6.11.3 Population by commuting, educational attainment, industry, age and sex
MT 6.11.3 Population by commuting, educational attainment, industry, age and sex -
Deaths of the Basque Country by groups of cause of death (CIE-10), age group ...
Deaths of the Basque Country by groups of cause of death (CIE-10), age group and sex (since 1999) -
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 04 maantiet L Aeq yo
Meluselvitys 2017 alue 04 maantiet L Aeq yo -
Persons, who committed crimes by some types of crmes and age group, 2006-2017
Persons, who committed crimes by some types of crmes and age group, 2006-2017