Pensas -
Population in urban nuclei by sex and age 1 December 1991-1996
Population in urban nuclei by sex and age 1 December 1991-1996 -
Gross box-office revenue of full-length feature films 1985-2014
Gross box-office revenue of full-length feature films 1985-2014 -
KB 06010 Indicator for services, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06)
KB 06010 Indicator for services, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
Students passing matriculation examination by sex 1847-2016
Students passing matriculation examination by sex 1847-2016 -
Published newspapers and other papers 1965-2009
Published newspapers and other papers 1965-2009 -
RaideJokeri ratalinja
RaideJokeri ratalinja -
Graduations at the upper secondary level by diploma, age and sex 1995-2016
Graduations at the upper secondary level by diploma, age and sex 1995-2016 -
Rautatieasemat -
Employment rate by sex
Employment rate by sex -
Rest of the World (S.2) 2000-2016
Rest of the World (S.2) 2000-2016 -
Selected items of the exports of goods and services 2013-2018
Selected items of the exports of goods and services 2013-2018 -
KB 01010 Economic sentiment indicator, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06)
KB 01010 Economic sentiment indicator, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
KB 04040 Limiting factors in construction, pct., twice a year (2006 M 06-2018...
KB 04040 Limiting factors in construction, pct., twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
Total industry, monthly series
Total industry, monthly series -
Method of payment over the Internet in last 12 months prior to survey
Method of payment over the Internet in last 12 months prior to survey -
Age-specific marriage rates by previous marital status 1961-2011
Age-specific marriage rates by previous marital status 1961-2011 -
Wage index for mortgage payment adjustment from 1979
Wage index for mortgage payment adjustment from 1979 -
VV 01021 Wet fish catches in tonnes by species, fishing gear and purchaser (1...
VV 01021 Wet fish catches in tonnes by species, fishing gear and purchaser (1993 M 01-2018 M 08) -
VV 01021 Wet fish catches in tonnes by species, fishing gear and purchaser (1...
VV 01021 Wet fish catches in tonnes by species, fishing gear and purchaser (1993 M 01-2018 M 08) -
Private service sector, regional series
Private service sector, regional series -
Statement of Central Government Operations 1998-2017
Statement of Central Government Operations 1998-2017 -
Stocks, inputs and consumption of petroleum products, monthly, 2015-2017
Stocks, inputs and consumption of petroleum products, monthly, 2015-2017 -
Structure of households by social-economic status and statistical regions, 20...
Structure of households by social-economic status and statistical regions, 2006-2017 -
Graduations at the tertiary level and doctorate level by diploma and degree, ...
Graduations at the tertiary level and doctorate level by diploma and degree, age and sex 1995-2016 -
Graduations at the tertiary level and doctorate level by diploma and degree, ...
Graduations at the tertiary level and doctorate level by diploma and degree, age and sex 1995-2016 -
Resident population by age and sex at the censuses of 1970, 1979, 1989, 2004...
Resident population by age and sex at the censuses of 1970, 1979, 1989, 2004, 2014 -
Farm labour force
Farm labour force -
LK 03020 General government tax receipt, by type (1998-2016)
LK 03020 General government tax receipt, by type (1998-2016) -
KB 05010 Indicator for retail trade, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06)
KB 05010 Indicator for retail trade, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06)