Life expectancy of 25-year-olds with basic education (up to 2010)
Life expectancy of 25-year-olds with basic education (up to 2010) -
General government total revenue 1998-2017
General government total revenue 1998-2017 -
Mun:KevyenLiikenteenVaylat -
LSK 10-IV 01. Agricultural machinery by statistical region
LSK 10-IV 01. Agricultural machinery by statistical region -
Population by municipalities 1901-1990
Population by municipalities 1901-1990 -
Kasviryhma -
LLG 120. Livestock productivity
LLG 120. Livestock productivity -
Use table at purchasers prices 2010-2014 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010
Use table at purchasers prices 2010-2014 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) ESA 2010 -
A ENG 040. Energy balance, TJ, thsd toe (NACE Rev.1.1.), 1990-2008
A ENG 040. Energy balance, TJ, thsd toe (NACE Rev.1.1.), 1990-2008 -
Material requirements by materialgroup
Material requirements by materialgroup -
MT 4.4.7 Dwellings by ownership, number of occupants, type of dwelling, type ...
MT 4.4.7 Dwellings by ownership, number of occupants, type of dwelling, type of heating and place of residence -
People living in households with very low work intensity by sex
People living in households with very low work intensity by sex -
IP 02011 Consumer price index, by main groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 3)
IP 02011 Consumer price index, by main groups (2001 Q 1-2018 Q 3) -
Number of offenses registerd by the police 1999-2015
Number of offenses registerd by the police 1999-2015 -
Befolkning 1 km 2014
Befolkning 1 km 2014 -
Skp skybrudspumper
Skp skybrudspumper -
KB 04010 Indicator for construction, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06)
KB 04010 Indicator for construction, twice a year (2006 M 06-2018 M 06) -
Landbruk 1 km 2013
Landbruk 1 km 2013 -
Local government total revenue 1998-2017
Local government total revenue 1998-2017 -
Turnover by industry and VAT-period 2008-
Turnover by industry and VAT-period 2008- -
DS 120 c. Real wages and salaries of employees by quarter
DS 120 c. Real wages and salaries of employees by quarter -
Befolkning 5 km 2015
Befolkning 5 km 2015 -
Teltplads -
Changes in harmonised indices of consumer prices from 2005
Changes in harmonised indices of consumer prices from 2005 -
RailwayUse -
Kategori 3 - Heder - moser og overdrev
Kategori 3 - Heder - moser og overdrev -
External trade
External trade -
Changes in Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices from 1996 to January 2006
Changes in Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices from 1996 to January 2006 -
UV 03010 Upper Secondary School and Higher Preparatory Courses, students by l...
UV 03010 Upper Secondary School and Higher Preparatory Courses, students by line, class and sex (1999/00-2009/10) -
MT 4.4.2 Dwellings by status of occupancy, type, size, type of household and ...
MT 4.4.2 Dwellings by status of occupancy, type, size, type of household and place of residence