Five years old pupils in compulsory schools 1998-2016
Five years old pupils in compulsory schools 1998-2016 -
Consumer Survey Time Series 1995-2017
Consumer Survey Time Series 1995-2017 -
Kuolleet iän ja sukupuolen mukaan
Kuolleet iän ja sukupuolen mukaan -
Imports and Exports 2010-2017 in 1 000 euro by trade variable and year
Imports and Exports 2010-2017 in 1 000 euro by trade variable and year -
IB 09010 Population forecast (2019-2058)
IB 09010 Population forecast (2019-2058) -
Migration 1987-2016 by country, type of migration and year
Migration 1987-2016 by country, type of migration and year -
Vesi vesikasvilinjat
Vesi vesikasvilinjat -
SYKE, Luonnonsuojelualueet, 1:20 000, 1:50 000, 2015
SYKE, Luonnonsuojelualueet, 1:20 000, 1:50 000, 2015 -
Completiondeclaration stand 11 30
Completiondeclaration stand 11 30 -
Radat -
Railway Node Default Style
Railway Node Default Style -
Selling prices of main crop potatoes
Selling prices of main crop potatoes -
Liikenne paavaylat
Liikenne paavaylat -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Projekt linie oversigtskort
Projekt linie oversigtskort -
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2016 by type of accident
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2016 by type of accident -
Rist -
Publishing of children's magazines and comics 1966-2010
Publishing of children's magazines and comics 1966-2010 -
House price index, deflated - annual data
House price index, deflated - annual data -
Koulut, luokat 7-9
Koulut, luokat 7-9 -
Trade balance, volume i tons 1999-2008 (NI 2002) by industry and year
Trade balance, volume i tons 1999-2008 (NI 2002) by industry and year -
Asemien vaikutusalueet kevyt liikenne
Asemien vaikutusalueet kevyt liikenne -
Share of households subscribing to daily newspapers 1995-2010
Share of households subscribing to daily newspapers 1995-2010 -
Abortions per 100 live-births , in territorial aspect, 2008-2017
Abortions per 100 live-births , in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Deaths 1999-2015 by year, sex, causes of death and age
Deaths 1999-2015 by year, sex, causes of death and age -
Hospital care, average length of stay
Hospital care, average length of stay -
Second names in double names of females 1 January 2005
Second names in double names of females 1 January 2005 -
Recorded crimes, by type of crimes, 2000-2017
Recorded crimes, by type of crimes, 2000-2017