Population aged 95, year-end total
Population aged 95, year-end total -
Population aged 91, year-end total
Population aged 91, year-end total -
PKS osoiteluettelo
PKS osoiteluettelo -
TB 02010 Gross domestic product at current prices (1998-2015)
TB 02010 Gross domestic product at current prices (1998-2015) -
Kuntayhtymien taseet 2012
Kuntayhtymien taseet 2012 -
Lohi -
Sysselsatta inom sjötransport på Åland 2009-2015, efter år och kön
Sysselsatta inom sjötransport på Åland 2009-2015, efter år och kön -
Turnover in industry - capital goods
Turnover in industry - capital goods -
Population aged 99, year-end total
Population aged 99, year-end total -
Population aged 98, year-end total
Population aged 98, year-end total -
Monthly wage index by sector from 2015
Monthly wage index by sector from 2015 -
Population aged 6, year-end total
Population aged 6, year-end total -
Population aged 9, year-end total
Population aged 9, year-end total -
Population aged 8, year-end total
Population aged 8, year-end total -
Population aged 7, year-end total
Population aged 7, year-end total -
Population aged 3, year-end total
Population aged 3, year-end total -
Population aged 5, year-end total
Population aged 5, year-end total -
Population aged 4, year-end total
Population aged 4, year-end total -
Population aged 0, year-end total
Population aged 0, year-end total -
Population aged 1, year-end total
Population aged 1, year-end total -
Population aged 2, year-end total
Population aged 2, year-end total -
Turvetuotantoalue viivat
Turvetuotantoalue viivat -
Mean-, median and modal age of parents 1961-2017
Mean-, median and modal age of parents 1961-2017 -
Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, Muuviiva
Maankäyttö: Opaskartta, Muuviiva -
LSS 14. Average sown area under cereal crops per grain farm
LSS 14. Average sown area under cereal crops per grain farm -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder
Folketal fordelt på køn og alder -
Akaava:Istutusalue -
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and country of birth
Population 31.12.2000-2017 by year, municipality and country of birth