Net worth, sum of percentiles, 1997-2017
Net worth, sum of percentiles, 1997-2017 -
Population aged 95-99, year-end total
Population aged 95-99, year-end total -
GIS:Paikallisesti arvokkaat luontokohteet
GIS:Paikallisesti arvokkaat luontokohteet -
Helsinki: Muuttaneet iän mukaan
Helsinki: Muuttaneet iän mukaan -
Aurinkopaneelien sijannit pks
Aurinkopaneelien sijannit pks -
Seutukartta liikenne paatiet
Seutukartta liikenne paatiet -
Application line 11 60
Application line 11 60 -
Seutukartta liikenne metro rata
Seutukartta liikenne metro rata -
Sector accounts 1975-2016
Sector accounts 1975-2016 -
Population according to age (5-year) and sex in the whole country 1865 - 2016
Population according to age (5-year) and sex in the whole country 1865 - 2016 -
Vimpa -
Unemployment rate - annual data
Unemployment rate - annual data -
Population aged 5-9, year-end total
Population aged 5-9, year-end total -
Population aged 0-4, year-end total
Population aged 0-4, year-end total -
Changes in the producer price index from 2006
Changes in the producer price index from 2006 -
Akaava:Kortteli -
Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008)
Supply table at basic prices 2008-2011 (TOL 2008/CPA 2008) -
Early education institutions by area, 2000-2017
Early education institutions by area, 2000-2017 -
UV 08010 Municipal leisure-time education by subject and sex (2008/09-2016/17)
UV 08010 Municipal leisure-time education by subject and sex (2008/09-2016/17) -
Import prices - intermediate goods
Import prices - intermediate goods -
Kevytliikenne -
Akaava:Virkistysalue -
A RCG 080. Import unit value indices (according to CN), 1998-2013
A RCG 080. Import unit value indices (according to CN), 1998-2013 -
Woman fertility by area and age group of mother, 1980-2017
Woman fertility by area and age group of mother, 1980-2017 -
Kanta:TilastollinenAlue -
Deep wells east of 6.25 E - no label
Deep wells east of 6.25 E - no label -
Helsinki osoiteluettelo
Helsinki osoiteluettelo -
Teollisuusalueet -
Step-adoptions by type, age and sex 1990-2016
Step-adoptions by type, age and sex 1990-2016 -
Liikenneverkko kaikki
Liikenneverkko kaikki