Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M N - current prices
Gross value added - NACE Rev. 2: M N - current prices -
Antal modtagere af ordninger i hjemmeplejen fordelt på ordningsydelse
Antal modtagere af ordninger i hjemmeplejen fordelt på ordningsydelse -
The average salary earning by some activities, ocupations and sex in October,...
The average salary earning by some activities, ocupations and sex in October, 2010-2017 -
AM 04030 Wage expenditure by business sector, sex and month (1985-2018)
AM 04030 Wage expenditure by business sector, sex and month (1985-2018) -
TB 05010 Gross domestic product at current prices (1998-2015) - forecast (201...
TB 05010 Gross domestic product at current prices (1998-2015) - forecast (2016-2018) -
Residential homes for older people, clients aged 85 and over, on 31 Dec
Residential homes for older people, clients aged 85 and over, on 31 Dec -
Kaupan tilinpäätöstiedot 2012, ennakko (TOL 2008)
Kaupan tilinpäätöstiedot 2012, ennakko (TOL 2008) -
Net international investment position - annual data
Net international investment position - annual data -
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 65-74
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 65-74 -
Highest mountain peaks
Highest mountain peaks -
Mortality among population aged 1-17 per 100 000 persons of same age
Mortality among population aged 1-17 per 100 000 persons of same age -
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011
Imports by countries and division of the SITC Rev. 4, 2009-2011 -
Kaavahakemisto tunnus kaava voimassa
Kaavahakemisto tunnus kaava voimassa -
Maaraala tunnus varma sijainti
Maaraala tunnus varma sijainti -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter -
Lar registreringer
Lar registreringer -
Real effective exchange rate - Euro Area trading partners
Real effective exchange rate - Euro Area trading partners -
Fi fmnh br extended
Fi fmnh br extended -
HM 02030 Sales of medicinal products, by treatment-groups (ATC-groups), (2002...
HM 02030 Sales of medicinal products, by treatment-groups (ATC-groups), (2002-2017) -
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and type of...
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and type of dwelling -
Wfs ostAlevaraus
Wfs ostAlevaraus -
Kuntayhtymien tunnusluvut 2009
Kuntayhtymien tunnusluvut 2009 -
LSS 04. Type of tenure of utilised agricultural area by statistical region (t...
LSS 04. Type of tenure of utilised agricultural area by statistical region (thsd ha) -
Helsinki osoitteet rakennukset
Helsinki osoitteet rakennukset -
Seutukartta liikenne juna rata
Seutukartta liikenne juna rata -
Volume of retail trade turnover, 2005-2017
Volume of retail trade turnover, 2005-2017 -
Työllinen työvoima toimialan (TOL 1995 ja TOL 2002) mukaan 31.12.
Työllinen työvoima toimialan (TOL 1995 ja TOL 2002) mukaan 31.12. -
Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön työttömyystietoja kuukausittain
Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön työttömyystietoja kuukausittain -
Vantaan hallinnoimat tilat (KIHA)
Vantaan hallinnoimat tilat (KIHA) -
Stocks of foreign direct investment in the EU 27 by investor continent
Stocks of foreign direct investment in the EU 27 by investor continent