Wfs Suojeluviiva
Wfs Suojeluviiva -
Instrument Approach Procedure Default Style
Instrument Approach Procedure Default Style -
Työpaikat (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 1988) mukaan 31.12.
Työpaikat (alueella työssäkäyvät) toimialan (TOL 1988) mukaan 31.12. -
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days
Service housing with 24-hour assistance for older people, care days -
Bussilinjat -
Stabilointiosuudet - Stabilointiosuudet (Tierekisterin tietolaji 317)
Stabilointiosuudet - Stabilointiosuudet (Tierekisterin tietolaji 317) -
Median equivalized household income by tenure status and type of housing 2004...
Median equivalized household income by tenure status and type of housing 2004-2016 -
Eliomaakunnat (3067) - Editoitu 2016-10-07
Eliomaakunnat (3067) - Editoitu 2016-10-07 -
Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions -
App:SivilforsvarLokalisering -
App:Sivilforsvarsdistrikt -
Environmental protection expenditure of the public sector by type
Environmental protection expenditure of the public sector by type -
Doctorates and graduates by mode of studies and sex, 2005-2017
Doctorates and graduates by mode of studies and sex, 2005-2017 -
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 80-84
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 80-84 -
Seutukartta maankaytto teollisuusalueet
Seutukartta maankaytto teollisuusalueet -
Contribution of economic activities in the GDP formation, current prices, 200...
Contribution of economic activities in the GDP formation, current prices, 2000-2016 -
Osoitteet -
Nimet merialueet suomi
Nimet merialueet suomi -
Kanta:Kiinteisto -
Landskapet Ålands resultaträkning 2014-2016, 1 000 EUR by account titlte and ...
Landskapet Ålands resultaträkning 2014-2016, 1 000 EUR by account titlte and year -
Residential homes for older people, clients aged 75 and over, on 31 Dec
Residential homes for older people, clients aged 75 and over, on 31 Dec -
Application stand 10 30
Application stand 10 30 -
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 75-79
Residential homes for older people, care days for clients aged 75-79 -
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 0-17 in care during year
Institutions for substance abusers, clients aged 0-17 in care during year -
Espoon asuntotuotanto talotyypin ja huoneistotyypin mukaan
Espoon asuntotuotanto talotyypin ja huoneistotyypin mukaan -
Number of family doctors per 10 000 inhabitants, in territorial aspect, 200...
Number of family doctors per 10 000 inhabitants, in territorial aspect, 2008-2017 -
Kasviatlas frek
Kasviatlas frek -
Luonnonsuojelualueet 2012 2013
Luonnonsuojelualueet 2012 2013 -
Rakennustunnus RATU hankkeet
Rakennustunnus RATU hankkeet -
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter
Folketal fordelt på skoledistrikter