Activities of Museums in Finland (2013)
Survey Responses on Museum Activities in Finland (2013)TSV
This table provides data pertaining to the activities of museums in Finland. It includes information on museum names, numbers, location, ownership, visitor statistics, types of visits, exhibitions, publications, collections, staff, finances, and funding sources. The data can be used for various data analytics purposes, such as analyzing visitor trends, evaluating the impact of free admission policies, assessing the performance of different types of exhibitions, investigating the digitization efforts of museums, and studying the financial aspects of museum operations. The table is sourced from the website of Museovirasto (Finnish Heritage Agency) from Finland (ISO country code: FI).
Version History of Survey Responses for Museum Activities in FinlandTSV
This table contains the version history of the rows from the 'Museovirasto' data source. It provides a historical record of the data extracted from the source. The table has additional columns '_start_date' and '_end_date', which indicate the dates when a particular version of each row was extracted from the data source. If the '_end_date' is null, it means that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table can be utilized in various data analytics scenarios. For example, it can be used to analyze the changes in museum-related information over time. Researchers can examine trends in visitor numbers, explore the impact of free admission policies on attendance, analyze the distribution of museums across different regions, and much more. The 'Museovirasto' data source...
Column Descriptions
Survey Responses on Museum Activities in Finland (2013)
Column | Type | Comment |
_extract_date | date | The date when the data was extracted. |
_row_number | long | The row number of the data entry. |
museon_nimi | string | The name of the museum. |
museon_numero | float | The number of the museum. |
kunnan_nimi | string | The name of the municipality. |
kunnan_nimi__float | float | The name of the municipality as a floating point number. |
laani | string | The province (region) of the museum. |
laani__float | float | The province (region) of the museum as a floating point number. |
maakunta | string | The county of the museum. |
maakunta__float | float | The county of the museum as a floating point number. |
paaryhma | string | The main group of the museum. |
paaryhma__float | float | The main group of the museum as a floating point number. |
omistusmuoto | string | The ownership form of the museum. |
omistusmuoto__float | float | The ownership form of the museum as a floating point number. |
maksetut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of paid visits to the museum. |
ilmaiskaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of free visits to the museum. |
kaikki_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of all visits to the museum. |
paivakoti___koululais__ja_opiskelijaryhmien_kavijat_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by daycare, school, and student groups as a percentage of total visits. |
ulkomaisten_kaynnit_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by foreign visitors as a percentage of total visits. |
asiantuntijapalvelukaynnit | int | The number of visits for expert services. |
muut_kaynnit | int | The number of other visits. |
muut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of other visits. |
nayttelyopastusten_lukumaara | int | The number of exhibition guided tours. |
nayttelyopastuksiin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of participants in exhibition guided tours. |
jarjestettyjen_tyopajojen_lukumaara | int | The number of organized workshops. |
tyopajoihin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of participants in workshops. |
muiden_yleisotapahtumien_lukumaara | int | The number of other public events. |
yleisotapahtumien_kokonaismaara | int | The total number of public events. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille | string | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__float | float | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors as a floating point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__int | int | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors as an integer. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille | string | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__float | float | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old as a floating point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__int | int | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old as an integer. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for the main exhibition for adults. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for the temporary exhibition for adults. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for the main exhibition for children. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for the temporary exhibition for children. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn | string | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__float | float | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year as a floating point number. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__int | int | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year as an integer. |
jos_kylla__kuinka_monena_paivana_vuodessa | int | If yes, the number of days per year when free admission is offered. |
jos_kylla__montako_tuntia_vuodessa | int | If yes, the number of hours per year. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo | string | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__float | float | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as a floating point number. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__int | int | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as an integer. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum itself. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced in cooperation with others. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by others. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of temporary exhibitions. |
valmistuneet_uudet_kiertonayttelyt | int | The number of new travelling exhibitions produced. |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt | int | The number of exhibitions produced for international venues. |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of all exhibitions. |
museon_tuottamat_nayttelyt_museon_ulkopuolella | int | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside of its premises. |
valmistuneet_uudet_verkkonayttelyt | int | The number of new online exhibitions produced. |
museon_julkaisemat_kokoelmajulkaisut | int | The number of collection publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_nayttelyjulkaisut | int | The number of exhibition publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_tutkimusjulkaisut | int | The number of research publications published by the museum. |
muut_julkaisut | int | The number of other publications. |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa | int | The total number of all publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_painettuna | int | The number of publications published in printed form. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_verkkojulkaisuna | int | The number of publications published as online publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_elektronisena_julkaisuna_esim__cd_romit_tai_dvdt | int | The number of publications published as electronic publications (e.g., CD-ROMs or DVDs). |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma | string | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float | float | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__int | int | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma | string | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__float | float | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__int | int | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma | string | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__float | float | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__int | int | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan as an integer. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of cultural-historical object collections. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of cultural-historical object collections in the past year. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the cultural-historical collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the cultural-historical collection that are digitized. |
taidekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of art collections. |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of art collections in the past year. |
taidekokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the art collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the art collection that are digitized. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of natural science collections. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of natural science collections in the past year. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the natural science collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the natural science collection that are digitized. |
valokuvakokoelmat_laajuus | int | The total extent of photograph collections. |
valokuvakokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of photograph collections in the past year. |
valokuvakokoelmat_kokoelmanhallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_maara | int | The number of objects in the photograph collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
valokuvakokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the photograph collection that are digitized. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years as a floating point number. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years as a floating point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa | string | The total number of person-work years. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float | float | The total number of person-work years as a floating point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of person-work years as an integer. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita | string | Whether the museum has volunteers. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float | float | Whether the museum has volunteers as a floating point number. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__int | int | Whether the museum has volunteers as an integer. |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa | int | The number of hours contributed by volunteers per year. |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa | float | The total payroll expenses. |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for buildings, interest, and depreciation. |
kokoelmahankintamenot | float | The expenses for collection acquisitions. |
nayttelytoiminnan_menot | float | The expenses for exhibition activities. |
markkinointi__ja_viestintamenot | float | The expenses for marketing and communication. |
muut_menot | float | The expenses for other purposes. |
muut_menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for other purposes. |
menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses. |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 | float | The state grant according to the Museum Act 29.7.1992. |
valtionavustukset | float | The state grants. |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita | float | The grants from the municipality (not including municipal museums). |
muut_toiminta_avustukset | float | The grants from other sources for operational purposes. |
muut_hankeavustukset | float | The grants from other sources for project purposes. |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset | float | The grants and subsidies from the European Union. |
sponsorituki | float | The support from sponsors. |
paasymaksutulot | float | The income from admission fees. |
palvelu__ja_myyntitulot | float | The income from services and sales. |
muut_tulot | float | The income from other sources. |
omat_tulot_yhteensa | float | The total own income. |
tulot_yhteensa | float | The total income. |
Version History of Survey Responses for Museum Activities in Finland
Column | Type | Comment |
_start_date | date | The start date of the validity period for the row version. |
_end_date | date | The end date of the validity period for the row version. |
_row_number | long | The unique identifier for each row. |
museon_nimi | string | The name of the museum. |
museon_numero | float | The unique number assigned to the museum. |
kunnan_nimi | string | The name of the municipality. |
kunnan_nimi__float | float | The name of the municipality as a floating-point number. |
laani | string | The name of the region. |
laani__float | float | The name of the region as a floating-point number. |
maakunta | string | The name of the province. |
maakunta__float | float | The name of the province as a floating-point number. |
paaryhma | string | The main group of the museum. |
paaryhma__float | float | The main group of the museum as a floating-point number. |
omistusmuoto | string | The ownership form of the museum. |
omistusmuoto__float | float | The ownership form of the museum as a floating-point number. |
maksetut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of paid visits. |
ilmaiskaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of free visits. |
kaikki_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of all visits. |
paivakoti___koululais__ja_opiskelijaryhmien_kavijat_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by daycare, school, and student groups as a percentage of total visits. |
ulkomaisten_kaynnit_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by foreigners as a percentage of total visits. |
asiantuntijapalvelukaynnit | int | The number of visits for expert services. |
muut_kaynnit | int | The number of other visits. |
muut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of other visits. |
nayttelyopastusten_lukumaara | int | The number of exhibition tours. |
nayttelyopastuksiin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of people who participated in exhibition tours. |
jarjestettyjen_tyopajojen_lukumaara | int | The number of organized workshops. |
tyopajoihin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of people who participated in workshops. |
muiden_yleisotapahtumien_lukumaara | int | The number of other public events. |
yleisotapahtumien_kokonaismaara | int | The total number of public events. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille | string | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for all visitors. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__float | float | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for all visitors as a floating-point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__int | int | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for all visitors as an integer. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille | string | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__float | float | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old as a floating-point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__int | int | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission for visitors under 18 years old as an integer. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for adults to the basic exhibition. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for adults to the changing exhibition. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for children to the basic exhibition. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for children to the changing exhibition. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn | string | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission on certain days of the year if there is an admission fee. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__float | float | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission on certain days of the year if there is an admission fee as a floating-point number. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__int | int | Indicates whether the museum offers free admission on certain days of the year if there is an admission fee as an integer. |
jos_kylla__kuinka_monena_paivana_vuodessa | int | The number of days in a year when the museum offers free admission if there is an admission fee. |
jos_kylla__montako_tuntia_vuodessa | int | The number of hours in a year when the museum offers free admission if there is an admission fee. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo | string | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__float | float | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as a floating-point number. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__int | int | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as an integer. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto | int | The number of changing exhibitions produced by the museum. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt | int | The number of changing exhibitions produced in collaboration with other institutions. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt | int | The number of changing exhibitions produced by other institutions. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of changing exhibitions. |
valmistuneet_uudet_kiertonayttelyt | int | The number of new traveling exhibitions produced. |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt | int | The number of exhibitions produced abroad. |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of exhibitions. |
museon_tuottamat_nayttelyt_museon_ulkopuolella | int | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside of its premises. |
valmistuneet_uudet_verkkonayttelyt | int | The number of new online exhibitions produced. |
museon_julkaisemat_kokoelmajulkaisut | int | The number of collection publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_nayttelyjulkaisut | int | The number of exhibition publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_tutkimusjulkaisut | int | The number of research publications published by the museum. |
muut_julkaisut | int | The number of other publications. |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa | int | The total number of publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_painettuna | int | The number of publications published in print form. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_verkkojulkaisuna | int | The number of publications published as online publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_elektronisena_julkaisuna_esim__cd_romit_tai_dvdt | int | The number of publications published as electronic publications, such as CD-ROMs or DVDs. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma | string | Indicates whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float | float | Indicates whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as a floating-point number. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__int | int | Indicates whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma | string | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a collection policy program. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__float | float | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a collection policy program as a floating-point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__int | int | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a collection policy program as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma | string | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a digitization plan. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__float | float | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a digitization plan as a floating-point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__int | int | Indicates whether the museum has recorded a digitization plan as an integer. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total scope of cultural historical object collections. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The increase in cultural historical object collections during a year. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in cultural historical object collections that have been cataloged in the collection management system. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in cultural historical collections that have been digitized. |
taidekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total scope of art collections. |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The increase in art collections during a year. |
taidekokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in art collections that have been cataloged in the collection management system. |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in art collections that have been digitized. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total scope of natural science collections. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The increase in natural science collections during a year. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in natural science collections that have been cataloged in the collection management system. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in natural science collections that have been digitized. |
valokuvakokoelmat_laajuus | int | The total scope of photograph collections. |
valokuvakokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The increase in photograph collections during a year. |
valokuvakokoelmat_kokoelmanhallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_maara | int | The number of objects in photograph collections that have been cataloged in the collection management system. |
valokuvakokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in photograph collections that have been digitized. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina | string | The total number of permanent full-time staff in person-years. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The total number of permanent full-time staff in person-years as a floating-point number. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The total number of permanent full-time staff in person-years as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of person-years worked by professionals in the permanent full-time staff. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of person-years worked by professionals in the permanent full-time staff as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of person-years worked by professionals in the permanent full-time staff as a floating-point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa | string | The total number of actual person-years worked. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float | float | The total number of actual person-years worked as a floating-point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of actual person-years worked as an integer. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita | string | Indicates whether the museum has volunteers. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float | float | Indicates whether the museum has volunteers as a floating-point number. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__int | int | Indicates whether the museum has volunteers as an integer. |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa | int | The total number of hours worked by volunteers in a year. |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa | float | The total salary expenses. |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for real estate, interest, and depreciation. |
kokoelmahankintamenot | float | The expenses for acquiring collections. |
nayttelytoiminnan_menot | float | The expenses for exhibition activities. |
markkinointi__ja_viestintamenot | float | The expenses for marketing and communication. |
muut_menot | float | The expenses for other purposes. |
muut_menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for other purposes. |
menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses. |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 | float | The state subsidy according to the Museum Act (729/1992). |
valtionavustukset | float | The state grants. |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita | float | The municipal grants (not applicable to municipal museums). |
muut_toiminta_avustukset | float | The other operating grants. |
muut_hankeavustukset | float | The other project grants. |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset | float | The EU grants and subsidies. |
sponsorituki | float | The sponsorship support. |
paasymaksutulot | float | The income from admission fees. |
palvelu__ja_myyntitulot | float | The income from services and sales. |
muut_tulot | float | The other income. |
omat_tulot_yhteensa | float | The total own income. |
tulot_yhteensa | float | The total income. |
Additional Info
Last Updated | April 21, 2024 |
Created | April 21, 2024 |