_extract_date | date | The date when the data was extracted. |
_row_number | long | The row number of the data entry. |
museon_nimi | string | The name of the museum. |
museon_numero | float | The number of the museum. |
kunnan_nimi | string | The name of the municipality. |
kunnan_nimi__float | float | The name of the municipality as a floating point number. |
laani | string | The province (region) of the museum. |
laani__float | float | The province (region) of the museum as a floating point number. |
maakunta | string | The county of the museum. |
maakunta__float | float | The county of the museum as a floating point number. |
paaryhma | string | The main group of the museum. |
paaryhma__float | float | The main group of the museum as a floating point number. |
omistusmuoto | string | The ownership form of the museum. |
omistusmuoto__float | float | The ownership form of the museum as a floating point number. |
maksetut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of paid visits to the museum. |
ilmaiskaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of free visits to the museum. |
kaikki_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of all visits to the museum. |
paivakoti___koululais__ja_opiskelijaryhmien_kavijat_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by daycare, school, and student groups as a percentage of total visits. |
ulkomaisten_kaynnit_kayntien_kokonaismaarasta | int | The number of visits by foreign visitors as a percentage of total visits. |
asiantuntijapalvelukaynnit | int | The number of visits for expert services. |
muut_kaynnit | int | The number of other visits. |
muut_kaynnit_yhteensa | int | The total number of other visits. |
nayttelyopastusten_lukumaara | int | The number of exhibition guided tours. |
nayttelyopastuksiin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of participants in exhibition guided tours. |
jarjestettyjen_tyopajojen_lukumaara | int | The number of organized workshops. |
tyopajoihin_osallistuneiden_henkilomaara | int | The number of participants in workshops. |
muiden_yleisotapahtumien_lukumaara | int | The number of other public events. |
yleisotapahtumien_kokonaismaara | int | The total number of public events. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille | string | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__float | float | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors as a floating point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_kaikille_kavijoille__int | int | Whether the museum offers free admission to all visitors as an integer. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille | string | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__float | float | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old as a floating point number. |
onko_museoon_ilmainen_sisaanpaasy_alle_18_vuotiaille_kavijoille__int | int | Whether the museum offers free admission to visitors under 18 years old as an integer. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for the main exhibition for adults. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__aikuiset | float | The admission fee for the temporary exhibition for adults. |
paasymaksu_perusnayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for the main exhibition for children. |
paasymaksu_vaihtuvaan_nayttelyyn__lapset | float | The admission fee for the temporary exhibition for children. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn | string | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__float | float | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year as a floating point number. |
jos_museoon_on_sisaanpaasymaksu__tarjoaako_museo_tiettyina_paivina_vuodessa_ilmaisen_sisaanpaasyn__int | int | If the museum charges an admission fee, whether it offers free admission on certain days of the year as an integer. |
jos_kylla__kuinka_monena_paivana_vuodessa | int | If yes, the number of days per year when free admission is offered. |
jos_kylla__montako_tuntia_vuodessa | int | If yes, the number of hours per year. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo | string | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__float | float | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as a floating point number. |
museon_paayksikon_avoinna_olo__int | int | The opening hours of the main unit of the museum as an integer. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_oma_tuotanto | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by the museum itself. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteistyonayttelyt | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced in cooperation with others. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_muiden_tuottamat_nayttelyt | int | The number of temporary exhibitions produced by others. |
vaihtuvat_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of temporary exhibitions. |
valmistuneet_uudet_kiertonayttelyt | int | The number of new travelling exhibitions produced. |
ulkomaille_tuotetut_nayttelyt | int | The number of exhibitions produced for international venues. |
kaikki_nayttelyt_yhteensa | int | The total number of all exhibitions. |
museon_tuottamat_nayttelyt_museon_ulkopuolella | int | The number of exhibitions produced by the museum outside of its premises. |
valmistuneet_uudet_verkkonayttelyt | int | The number of new online exhibitions produced. |
museon_julkaisemat_kokoelmajulkaisut | int | The number of collection publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_nayttelyjulkaisut | int | The number of exhibition publications published by the museum. |
museon_julkaisemat_tutkimusjulkaisut | int | The number of research publications published by the museum. |
muut_julkaisut | int | The number of other publications. |
kaikki_julkaisut_yhteensa | int | The total number of all publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_painettuna | int | The number of publications published in printed form. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_verkkojulkaisuna | int | The number of publications published as online publications. |
kuinka_monta_naista_julkaisuista_on_julkaistu_elektronisena_julkaisuna_esim__cd_romit_tai_dvdt | int | The number of publications published as electronic publications (e.g., CD-ROMs or DVDs). |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma | string | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__float | float | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kaytossa_sahkoinen_kokoelmahallintajarjestelma__int | int | Whether the museum uses an electronic collection management system as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma | string | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__float | float | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_kokoelmapoliittinen_ohjelma__int | int | Whether the museum has a documented collection policy as an integer. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma | string | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__float | float | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan as a floating point number. |
onko_museolla_kirjattu_digitointisuunnitelma__int | int | Whether the museum has a documented digitization plan as an integer. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of cultural-historical object collections. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of cultural-historical object collections in the past year. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_esinekokoelmat_kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the cultural-historical collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
kulttuurihistorialliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the cultural-historical collection that are digitized. |
taidekokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of art collections. |
taidekokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of art collections in the past year. |
taidekokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the art collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
taidekokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the art collection that are digitized. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_koko_laajuus | int | The total extent of natural science collections. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of natural science collections in the past year. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat__kokoelmahallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the natural science collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
luonnontieteelliset_kokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the natural science collection that are digitized. |
valokuvakokoelmat_laajuus | int | The total extent of photograph collections. |
valokuvakokoelmat_vuoden_kartunta | int | The extent of photograph collections in the past year. |
valokuvakokoelmat_kokoelmanhallintajarjestelmaan_luetteloitujen_objektien_maara | int | The number of objects in the photograph collection that are catalogued in the collection management system. |
valokuvakokoelmat_digitoitujen_objektien_lukumaara | int | The number of objects in the photograph collection that are digitized. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years as a floating point number. |
vakinainen__paatoiminen_henkilokunta_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of permanent full-time staff in person-work years as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina | string | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__int | int | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years as an integer. |
vakinaisesta__paatoimisesta_henkilokunnasta_museoammatillisia_henkilotyovuosina__float | float | The number of museum professionals in the permanent full-time staff in person-work years as a floating point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa | string | The total number of person-work years. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__float | float | The total number of person-work years as a floating point number. |
todelliset_henkilotyovuodet_yhteensa__int | int | The total number of person-work years as an integer. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita | string | Whether the museum has volunteers. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__float | float | Whether the museum has volunteers as a floating point number. |
toimiiko_museossa_vapaaehtoistyontekijoita__int | int | Whether the museum has volunteers as an integer. |
vapaaehtoistyontekijoiden_tyopanos_tuntia_vuodessa | int | The number of hours contributed by volunteers per year. |
palkkausmenot_yhteensa | float | The total payroll expenses. |
kiinteistomenot_seka_korot_ja_poistot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for buildings, interest, and depreciation. |
kokoelmahankintamenot | float | The expenses for collection acquisitions. |
nayttelytoiminnan_menot | float | The expenses for exhibition activities. |
markkinointi__ja_viestintamenot | float | The expenses for marketing and communication. |
muut_menot | float | The expenses for other purposes. |
muut_menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses for other purposes. |
menot_yhteensa | float | The total expenses. |
valtionosuus_museolaki_7291992 | float | The state grant according to the Museum Act 29.7.1992. |
valtionavustukset | float | The state grants. |
kunnan_avustukset__ei_koske_kunnallisia_museoita | float | The grants from the municipality (not including municipal museums). |
muut_toiminta_avustukset | float | The grants from other sources for operational purposes. |
muut_hankeavustukset | float | The grants from other sources for project purposes. |
eu_tuet_ja__avustukset | float | The grants and subsidies from the European Union. |
sponsorituki | float | The support from sponsors. |
paasymaksutulot | float | The income from admission fees. |
palvelu__ja_myyntitulot | float | The income from services and sales. |
muut_tulot | float | The income from other sources. |
omat_tulot_yhteensa | float | The total own income. |
tulot_yhteensa | float | The total income. |