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This dataset collection is a compilation of several tables that contain related data. The data is well-organized into a tabular format that consists of rows and columns. The tables in this dataset collection are primarily extracted from the Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) website, based in Sweden. The data contained within the tables primarily consists of shapes, polygons, and various other geometric data related to land surveying. This collection can be useful in conducting in-depth analyses related to geospatial studies, land use, urban planning, and other related fields.


  • Polygonal Geographical Data with Aerial Photography and Geometric CharacteristicsTSV

    The table under discussion is a comprehensive collection of geographic data, organized in a structured row-column format. It belongs to a larger dataset of geographic information, with each table in the collection focusing on a particular aspect of the data. This table primarily deals with polygons, which are part of geographic features that can be represented as points, lines, or polygons (areas). Each row in the table is unique and is identified by a combination of the extraction date and the row number from the original data source. The extraction date indicates the specific date when the data on a particular row was extracted, while the row number gives the position of the row in the data extracted. The table contains a variety of columns that house different types of data. Some...

  • Version History of Missing Surfaces Polygons in Surface ModelTSV

    The table in question forms part of a dataset collection and serves as a history table, maintaining the version history of its base table rows. It keeps track of changes in the data over time. Each row in this table is uniquely identified by a combination of the starting date of the row's extraction from the data source and its row number. The table also includes an end date that indicates when a new version of the row was extracted. If the end date is not present, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The table contains geographic information, transformed from a shapefile format, which is a common format for storing geometric location and attribute information of geographic features. The geographic data can be points, lines, or polygons. The table is sourced from the...

Column Descriptions

Polygonal Geographical Data with Aerial Photography and Geometric Characteristics

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date on which the data was extracted from the source. It is a part of a unique identifier for each row when combined with the '_row_number' column.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date. It is used in combination with the '_extract_date' column to uniquely identify each row.
id long This column contains the unique identifier for each entry in the table.
block string This column contains block information for each entry.
flygfoto_o string This column contains information about the aerial photo orientation.
flygfoto_a long This column contains information about the aerial photo angle.
upplosning double This column contains information about the resolution of each entry.
area long This column contains information about the area of each entry.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric structure of each entry in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the textual description of the geometric structure for each entry.
geom_type string This column contains information about the type of geometry for each entry.
geom_centroid string This column contains information about the centroid of the geometric structure for each entry.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geometric center for each entry.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geometric center for each entry.

Version History of Missing Surfaces Polygons in Surface Model

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. Together with '_row_number', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it signifies that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is used in conjunction with '_start_date' for unique identification of each row in this version history table.
id long This column contains the unique identifier of the row.
block string This column contains the block information.
flygfoto_o string This column contains data related to aerial photography 'o'.
flygfoto_a long This column contains data related to aerial photography 'a'.
upplosning double This column contains the resolution information.
area long This column contains area information.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geographic data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geographic data in Geotext format.
geom_type string This column identifies the type of geographic data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographic data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geographic data center.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geographic data center.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 13, 2024
Created August 26, 2024