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Annual Orthophoto Crime Scenes Dataset Collection from 2006

This dataset collection, sourced from the Swedish website 'Lantmäteriet' (The Land Survey), comprises a series of tables organized in a tabular format with columns and rows. Each table in this collection represents a specific year, ranging from 2006 to 2023. These tables contain related and structured data, all originating from the same source. They have been meticulously collected to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of the subject matter. The data in this collection is structured in a 'shape' format, which is typically used in geospatial vector data software for its efficient storage of geometric location and attribute information of geographic features.


  • 2007 Crime Scene Dataset Table with Geolocation and Detailed InformationTSV

    The table in question is a rich dataset that includes information originally sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (Swedish Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registration Authority) in Sweden. It has been structured into an organized format of columns and rows, making it a valuable resource for various data analytics applications. The table contains several interesting columns of data, including geographical information transformed from the original shapefile format. Shapefiles are a simple format for storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features, which can be represented by points, lines, or polygons (areas). Two notable columns of the table are the extraction date and the row number. The extraction date indicates when the data in the particular row was...

  • 2009 Crime Scene Data with Geographical DetailsTSV

    The table under consideration is a comprehensive collection of geographically related data, sourced from the official website of Lantmäteriet, the National Land Survey of Sweden. The table comprises of various columns which contain diverse information, including the date of data extraction, the row number, name, crime scene, municipality code, and several aspects of geographic information in various formats. Two special columns in the table, namely the date of data extraction and the row number, jointly provide a unique identifier for each row. This ensures that each piece of data can be accurately tracked and identified. The geographic data included in the table is originally in the shapefile format - a common geospatial vector data format for geographic information system software....

  • 2010 Crime Scene Geographic Information TableTSV

    The table is a comprehensive collection of related data, which is a part of a larger dataset. This table is unique as it contains key information about geographical locations and features, sourced from Lantmäteriet, a Swedish authority. Special features of this table include a unique identification system for each row of data, established through a combination of the data extraction date and row number, providing an efficient method of pinpointing precise data points. Geographical data in this table has been derived from a simple, non-topological format known as a shapefile, which is widely employed for storing the location and attribute information of geographic features, and transformed into the final geographic format. This transformation allows for geographic features to be...

  • 2011 Crime Scene Data OverviewTSV

    The table under consideration is a rich collection of geographic data, obtained from the 'Lantmäteriet' website, a Swedish authority responsible for land and geographic information in Sweden. It features a wide array of columns that store various types of data, each with its unique purpose and significance. The table includes a special pair of columns that together form a unique identifier for each row. One of these columns contains the date when the data was extracted, and the other stores the row number in the data extracted on that date. This combination provides a reliable way to identify each entry in the table uniquely. The table also contains a wealth of geographic data translated from the shapefile format, a popular geospatial vector data format for geographic information system...

  • 2013 Crime Scene Geospatial Data OverviewTSV

    The table in question is a rich data collection sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) in Sweden. It provides a wealth of geographical data that has been converted from the shapefile format, which is a simple, non-topological format for storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features. The table contains unique geographical features that can be represented by points, lines, or polygons (areas), offering a range of possibilities for geographical analysis. Furthermore, it includes important tracking information such as the date when each data row was extracted and its row number, which together uniquely identify each row. This allows for precise tracking and analysis of changes over time. Depending on the specific needs and objectives...

  • 2015 Geographical Records of Crime Scenes in SwedenTSV

    The table 'tatort2015_omr' is part of a larger dataset collection originating from the 'Lantmäteriet' (National Land Survey) website in Sweden. This table is primarily concerned with geographical data, offering a rich array of geographic information about specific locations. It also includes special columns that record the date of data extraction and the row number for each entry, allowing for unique identification of each record. The data within the table is meticulously organized, with each row representing a unique geographic entry. The table contains information about the specific name of the location, its corresponding code, and a variety of geographic attributes. These geographic attributes include the geometry of the location in GeoJSON format, the geometry in text form, the type...

  • 2017 Crime Scene Geographic Information from Swedish Land SurveyTSV

    The table 'tatort2017_omr' is a comprehensive collection of related data, which is part of a larger dataset collection. This table is unique due to its specialized columns such as the extraction date and row number, which together can uniquely identify each row of data. The extraction date refers to the date when the data was gathered from the source, and the row number corresponds to the specific row within the extracted data. One of the key features of this table is the inclusion of geographic information, which has been transformed from the shapefile format. This format is commonly used for storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features, which can be represented by points, lines, or polygons. The data in this table is sourced from 'Lantmäteriet',...

  • 2018 Geospatial Crime Scene Data CollectionTSV

    The table under consideration contains detailed data about geographical features, sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) in Sweden. This table is an integral part of a larger dataset collection that includes one or several other related tables. The layout of the table is organized into columns and rows, each containing specific information related to the geographical data. This table includes unique elements like an extraction date and a row number for each piece of data. The extraction date specifies when the data was pulled from the source, while the row number gives a unique identity to each line of data based on when it was extracted. Together, these two fields uniquely identify each row of data in the table. Furthermore, the information in this table has been...

  • 2019 Crime Scene Geographical Data AnalysisTSV

    The table under discussion is a part of a larger dataset collection and is sourced from the Lantmäteriet (The National Land Survey) website, based in Sweden. This table comprises a variety of data fields including unique identifiers for each row, geographic information, as well as other related attributes. The table features two special columns that jointly provide a unique identifier for each row. One column contains the date of extraction for each data point, while the other records the row number from the original data source, corresponding to that extraction date. Geographic data contained within the table is originally in the format of a shapefile, a commonly used format for storing location and attribute information of geographic features. This could represent points, lines, or...

  • 2022 Crime Scene Areas: Geospatial Data with AttributesTSV

    The table under discussion is a structured collection of related data, derived from the 'Lantmäteriet' website in Sweden. This table forms part of a larger dataset, which is a collection of multiple related tables. The data in this particular table consists of several distinct columns, each containing specific information. Special attention should be given to two unique columns: one containing the extraction date of the data and the other specifying the row number for the extracted data. The combination of these two columns allows for the unique identification of each row in the table, providing a robust method for data tracking. Additionally, this table contains geographic information, which has been transformed from a shapefile format into a final geographic format. Shapefile is a...

  • Crime Scene Data with Geometric Attributes (2006)TSV

    The table under discussion is a detailed compilation of geographic data, originating from the 'Lantmäteriet' website in Sweden. It offers a comprehensive overview of specific geographic features, transforming raw data from the shapefile format into a more consumable structure. Each row in the table is unique, identified by a specific combination of extraction date and row number. This ensures that data is organized in a time-specific manner, allowing for tracking changes and trends across different periods. The table holds a wide variety of data, including geographic coordinates, names, and codes. It also contains detailed geographic information, such as the type of geographical feature (point, line, or polygon), its centroid, and its exact coordinates. Given its extensive range of...

  • Crime Scene Geographic Information Data Extracted in 2012TSV

    The table under consideration is a well-organized collection of related data that forms part of a larger dataset. It hails from the 'Lantmäteriet' website in Sweden and is structured in rows and columns format for easy analysis. Each row in the table signifies a unique piece of data, with the date of extraction and the row number serving as unique identifiers. These identifiers help to track the source and the chronological sequence of each data entry. This table possesses an interesting element - geographical information, originally in the shapefile format, which has been converted into a final geographic format. Shapefile format is a simple, non-topological system used to store the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features. This format enables geographical...

  • Crime Scene Geospatial Data Extracted from Swedish Land Survey - 2014 EditionTSV

    The table in focus is a significant part of a dataset collection. It carries a myriad of pertinent data organized neatly in rows and columns. The table is enriched with information extracted from the Swedish website 'Lantmäteriet' (The National Land Survey of Sweden). The table contains a mix of both typical and special columns. Two of these special columns are responsible for uniquely identifying each row. One holds the date when the data row was extracted while the other records the row number in the data extracted on the specified date. The table also contains geographic information initially in the shapefile format. Shapefile is a popular format used to store geographical location and attribute information of geographic features such as points, lines, or polygons (areas). This...

  • Geospatial Information of Crime Scenes in Sweden from 2006TSV

    The table under consideration originates from 'Lantmäteriet' (Sweden's land surveying agency) and forms part of a larger dataset. This table is structured into several columns, each holding specific information. Two distinctive columns in the table provide a unique identifier for each row. One column holds the date when data on that specific row was extracted from the source, and the other column stores the row number in the extracted data, corresponding to the extraction date. This combination allows each row to be uniquely identified. The table also houses geographic information, which has been transformed from the shapefile format. This format is a simple, non-topological way of storing the geometric location and attribute information of geographic features, which can be points,...

  • Geospatial Information of Crime Scenes in Sweden, 2008TSV

    The table in question is a rich collection of geographic information sourced from the 'Lantmäteriet' website, also known as the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, in Sweden. It includes a range of unique identifiers and geographic data, all meticulously organized for easy extraction and analysis. Each row in the table represents a unique data point, identified by a specific extraction date and row number, ensuring that each piece of data can be traced back to its original source and extraction time. This allows for precise tracking and comparison of data over time. The table contains crucial geographic information, originally in shapefile format, which has been transformed into a final geographic format. Such data includes geometric location and attribute...

  • Historical Version Data of Crime Scene Area (2006 onwards)TSV

    The 'tatort2013_omr__history' table is a historical record of a dataset sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Land Survey) in Sweden. This table is a part of the dataset collection, and it captures the version history of its base table rows, thus providing a rich timeline of data changes. The table tracks the evolution of each row, with unique identifiers based on the combination of the start date and row number. This allows you to trace the version history of each row from when it was initially extracted from the data source to any subsequent updates. If a row doesn't have an end date, this indicates that it is the most recent version of that row. This table is particularly notable for its inclusion of geographic information, originally in the shapefile format, which...

  • Historical Version Record of Crime Scene Locations from 2006 OnwardsTSV

    The 'tatort2012_omr__history' table is a historical dataset that provides a versioned record of its base data. Each row in this table is uniquely identified by a combination of the start date of the data extraction and the row number from the raw data source. The table consists of two additional columns compared to its base table, representing the start and end dates of each row's lifespan. If the end date of a row is not present, it signifies that the data row is the most recent version. The table includes geographic information, transformed from the shapefile format, a standard used for storing geographical location and attribute information. This information can be represented in various formats such as points, lines, or polygons (areas). This data is sourced from the...

  • Historical Version Records of Base Table Rows for Crime Scene Data Since 2006TSV

    The 'tatort2022_omr__history' table is a historical record of its corresponding base table. It contains a sequential record of each version of the data rows from the base table. Unique identifiers for each row are formed by a combination of the row number and the date the row was extracted. The table contains two additional columns compared to its base table to indicate the start and end dates of each row version. If the end date is null, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The data in this table is sourced from the 'Lantmäteriet' website in Sweden. The geographic information in this table, originally in shapefile format, has been transformed into a final geographic format. Some examples of how this data could be utilized include historical analysis of geographic...

  • Historical Version Records of Base Table Rows in Crime Scene Dataset Collection from 2006TSV

    The 'tatort2010_omr__history' table is a historical record of its base table, containing comprehensive version history of its rows. This table belongs to the dataset collection 'utfall_ortofoto_tatort_from2006_shape'. The table is unique in that it includes additional columns compared to its base table, specifically columns that contain the start and end dates of when each row was extracted from the data source. Each row in the table can be uniquely identified by a combination of its start date and row number. The table also contains geographical information, which has been converted from the shapefile format. This format is a standard for storing geographical location and attribute information of geographic features, and can represent these features as points, lines, or polygons. The...

  • Historical Version Records of Crime Scene Area data from 2006 onwardsTSV

    The 'tatort2023_omr__history' table is a historical collection of geographical data sourced from the Swedish website, Lantmäteriet. This table serves as a version history for its base table rows, documenting changes over time. It contains unique identifiers for each row, formed by the combination of the row number and the date when the row data was extracted. This allows for precise tracking and identification of each data row throughout its history. Furthermore, there are date markers indicating when a new version of a row was extracted, and if a particular row is the most recent version. The most recent versions are identified by a null value in the 'end date' column. The table also contains geographic information, formatted from the original shapefile format into a final geographic...

  • Historical Version Records of Crime Scene Data from 2008TSV

    The 'tatort2008_omr__history' table is a historical archive that stores the version history of its base table rows. It contains unique identifiers for each row, determined by the combination of the date when the row was extracted and the row number. This allows for tracking changes to the data over time, with the start and end dates indicating the lifespan of each version of a row. If the end date is null, this indicates that the version is the most recent. This detailed versioning makes the table valuable for monitoring trends and changes over time. The table contains geographic information, originally in the shapefile format, which has been transformed into a final geographic format. This includes geometric descriptions of geographic features, which can be represented by points,...

  • Historical Version Tracking of Crime Scene Data from 2006 Shape CollectionTSV

    The 'tatort2014_omr__history' table is a historical archive that holds the version history of its base table rows. This table is part of a larger dataset collection. The distinguishing feature of this table is that it contains two additional columns compared to its base table, which are used to track the start and end dates of the dataset's row versions. These dates signify when a row was extracted from the data source and when a new version of the row was obtained. If the end date value is null, it indicates that the row is the latest version. Each row in this table is uniquely identified by a combination of the start date and a row number that denotes the row's position in the raw data extracted from the source. The table also holds geographic information, which has been transformed...

  • History of Crime Scene Data with Geographical Attributes from 2006TSV

    The 'tatort2006_omr__history' table is a historical data repository that records the version history of its base table rows. It is a part of the 'utfall_ortofoto_tatort_from2006_shape' dataset collection. The table contains additional columns to record the start and end dates for each row entry, allowing for tracking changes over time. If an 'end date' for a particular row is not available, it signifies that the row is the most recent version. The table also includes a unique identifier for each row, formed by a combination of the start date and the row number. The row number represents the position of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. One of the key features of this table is the inclusion of geographic information, which has been converted from the shapefile...

  • Version History of 2011 Crime Scenes Area RecordsTSV

    The table 'tatort2011_omr__history' is a history table that houses the version history of its base table rows. This table is part of a larger dataset collection, sourced from the Swedish website 'Lantmäteriet'. It is unique in how it tracks the evolution of data over time, with each row in the table uniquely identified by a combination of a start date and a row number. This table also has a unique feature, it contains two additional columns compared to its base table. The first is a start date column, which notes when the row was first extracted from the data source. The second is an end date column, which signifies when a new version of the row was extracted. If the end date column is null, it denotes that the current row is the most recent version. Additionally, this table also...

  • Version History of Base Table Rows for Crime Scene Data (2019) from a Swedish Geographic Dataset CollectionTSV

    The table 'tatort2019_omr__history' is a history table, sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) in Sweden. This table is part of a dataset collection and features a detailed record of version history for its base table rows, enabling users to track how the data has evolved over time. The table uniquely identifies each row with a combination of a start date and a row number, providing a precise timeline of changes for each data entry. It also includes an end date, marking when a new version of the row was extracted. If the end date is null, it signifies that the row is the most current version. The table also contains geographic data, which has been transformed from the shapefile format. This allows for the representation of geographic features as points, lines, or...

  • Version History of Base Table Rows in Crime Scene Dataset from 2006 Shape CollectionTSV

    The table 'tatort2007_omr__history' is a historical record of related data points, sourced from Lantmäteriet's (The Swedish Land Survey) website in Sweden. As a history table, it provides a version history of its base table rows, allowing users to track the changes in data over time. The unique identifiers for each row in this table are a combination of the date the row was extracted from the source and the row number. This allows for precise tracking of data versions. If a row is the most recent version, its end date remains null. This table has two additional columns compared to its base table, specifically for tracking the start and end dates of each data row. The geographic data in this table has been transformed from the shapefile format, a common format for storing geographic...

  • Version History of Crime Scene Investigation Data (2006 onwards)TSV

    The 'tatort2017_omr__history' table is a comprehensive collection of related data, meticulously structured into rows and columns. As a component of the larger dataset 'utfall_ortofoto_tatort_from2006_shape', it primarily serves as a history table, storing the version history of its base table rows. Each unique row in this version history table is identified through a combination of the row number and the date it was added to the table. Furthermore, the table keeps track of the date when a newer version of the row was introduced. The table also includes additional columns that provide a timeline of each row, starting from when it was extracted from the data source to when a new version was added. If a row is the most recent version, it is indicated by a null value in the 'end date'...

  • Version History of Crime Scene Location Data from 2015TSV

    The table 'tatort2015_omr__history' is a historical archive that contains the version history of its base table rows. It is sourced from the website of Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) in Sweden. This table consists of unique identifiers for each row, extracted from the raw data, and the dates when the rows were extracted and updated. The table is especially unique in its inclusion of two additional columns for indicating the timeline of data extraction, which are not present in its base table. If a row is the most recent version, it is indicated by a null value in the 'end date' column. The table also contains geographic information transformed from the shapefile format, a popular format for storing geographic location and attribute...

  • Version History of Crime Scenes from 2006 in Geo-Spatial FormatTSV

    The 'tatort2018_omr__history' table is a historical archive, maintaining the version history of its base table rows. Each row in this table represents a unique version of the row, identifiable by a combination of a start date and a unique row number. This set-up allows for tracking changes over time, from when the row was first extracted from the data source to when a new version of the row was extracted. If a row is the most recent version, this is indicated by a null value in the end date column. This table also includes geographic data, which has been converted from the original shapefile format into the final geographic format. This includes geographic feature representations such as points, lines, or polygons. Sourced from Lantmäteriet's website in Sweden, this table offers a...

Column Descriptions

2007 Crime Scene Dataset Table with Geolocation and Detailed Information

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the source. It is one of the columns that uniquely identifies each row.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. It is one of the columns that uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the row.
TATORT string This column contains the crime scene information.
KOMKOD string This column contains the municipality code.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geometric data in text format.
geom_type string This column describes the type of geometry used.
geom_centroid string This column contains the coordinates of the centroid of the geometric shape.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X coordinate of the center of the geometric shape.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y coordinate of the center of the geometric shape.

Version History of Base Table Rows in Crime Scene Dataset from 2006 Shape Collection

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is part of the unique identifier of each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted. If the value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column holds the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms a unique combination with the '_start_date' to uniquely identify each row in this version history table.
NAMN string This column contains specific data related to the dataset. The exact nature of this data depends on the dataset and the data source.
TATORT string This column contains specific data related to the dataset. The exact nature of this data depends on the dataset and the data source.
KOMKOD string This column contains specific data related to the dataset. The exact nature of this data depends on the dataset and the data source.
geom_geojson string This column contains geometric data in the format of GeoJSON, an open standard format for encoding collections of simple geographical features.
geom_geotext string This column includes geometric data in a text format. The exact nature of this text representation depends on the data source and the type of geometric data.
geom_type string This column defines the type of geometric data that is stored in the row. This could be points, lines, polygons or other types of geometric constructs.
geom_centroid string This column holds the geometric center or centroid of the geometric data. It is calculated based on the geometric data in the row.
geom_center_x double This column holds the x-coordinate of the geometric center or centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_y double This column holds the y-coordinate of the geometric center or centroid of the geometric data.

Crime Scene Data with Geometric Attributes (2006)

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
TATORT string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
KOMKOD string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geojson format of the geometry data.
geom_geotext string This column contains the text representation of the geometry data.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geometry data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometry data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometry data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometry data.

History of Crime Scene Data with Geographical Attributes from 2006

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the source. It contributes to a unique identifier for each row in this version history table when combined with '_row_number'.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the source. A null value indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data as it was extracted from the source. It contributes to a unique identifier for each row in this version history table when combined with '_start_date'.
NAMN string The column represents the name attribute in the data.
TATORT string This column contains information related to the location of the event.
KOMKOD string This column represents a unique code for each municipality in the data.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric data of the location in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains a textual description of the geometric data.
geom_type string This column indicates the type of geometry used to represent the location data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_x double This column represents the X coordinate of the geometric center of the location.
geom_center_y double This column represents the Y coordinate of the geometric center of the location.

Geospatial Information of Crime Scenes in Sweden, 2008

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date. It uniquely identifies each row in combination with the '_extract_date' column.
NAMN string This column represents the name associated with the data on the row.
TATORT string This column represents the location associated with the data on the row.
KOMKOD string This column represents the code associated with the data on the row.
geom_geojson string This column contains geojson formatted geometry data for the data on the row.
geom_geotext string This column contains geotext formatted geometry data for the data on the row.
geom_type string This column represents the type of geometry data in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometry data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometry data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometry data.

Historical Version Records of Crime Scene Data from 2008

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. This, together with '_row_number', uniquely identifies each row in the version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this column's value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row as it appears in the raw data from the data source. This, in combination with '_start_date', uniquely identifies each row in the version history table.
NAMN string This column contains specific name data related to the row.
TATORT string This column contains specific location data related to the row.
KOMKOD string This column contains specific code data associated with the row.
geom_geojson string This column contains GeoJSON data representing the geometry of the location.
geom_geotext string This column contains geospatial data in text format.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geospatial data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geospatial data.
geom_center_x double This column represents the x-coordinate of the center of the geospatial data.
geom_center_y double This column represents the y-coordinate of the center of the geospatial data.

2011 Crime Scene Data Overview

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date The date when the data in the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long The row number in the data extracted from the source on the date specified by _extract_date. This, combined with _extract_date, uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string The name associated with the data entry.
TATORT string The specific location or place related to the data entry.
KOMKOD string The code associated with a specific community or region related to the data entry.
geom_geojson string The geographical data of the location in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geographical data of the location in textual format.
geom_type string The type of geographical data, for example point, line, polygon, etc.
geom_centroid string The centroid or geometric center of the geographical data.
geom_center_x double The X-coordinate of the center of the geographical data.
geom_center_y double The Y-coordinate of the center of the geographical data.

Version History of 2011 Crime Scenes Area Records

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. Together with '_row_number', it forms a unique identifier for each row in the version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value in this column is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier for each row in conjunction with '_start_date'.
NAMN string This column contains specific names associated with the data.
TATORT string This column contains information related to a particular location.
KOMKOD string This column holds codes that are relevant to the data.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric representation of the data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column holds the geometric representation of the data as a text string.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geometric data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_x double This column represents the X coordinate of the geometric center of the data.
geom_center_y double This column represents the Y coordinate of the geometric center of the data.

Crime Scene Geographic Information Data Extracted in 2012

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column holds the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
TATORT string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
KOMKOD string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geometric representation of the data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geometric representation of the data in Geotext format.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of geometric data represented in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center point of the geometric data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center point of the geometric data.

Historical Version Record of Crime Scene Locations from 2006 Onwards

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. This column, in combination with '_row_number', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value of this column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. This column, in combination with '_start_date', uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with each row of data.
TATORT string This column contains information related to the site of the data source.
KOMKOD string This column contains the code associated with each row of data.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geographical data of the row in GeoJSON format, a popular open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geographical data of the row in a text format.
geom_type string This column contains information about the type of geographical data represented in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid or geometric center point of the geographical data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center point of the geographical data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center point of the geographical data.

2009 Crime Scene Data with Geographical Details

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source. It forms part of the unique identifier for each row when combined with the '_row_number' column.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. It forms part of the unique identifier for each row when combined with the '_extract_date' column.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the data row.
TATORT string This column contains information related to the crime scene.
KOMKOD string This column contains the community code associated with the data row.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geographical data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains textual representation of the geographical data.
geom_type string This column indicates the type of the geographical data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographical data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X coordinate of the center of the geographical data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y coordinate of the center of the geographical data.

2015 Geographical Records of Crime Scenes in Sweden

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'. The combination of the columns '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column represents a unique identifier or name associated with the data row.
TATORT string This column represents the location or place associated with the data row.
KOMKOD string This column represents a code, possibly a municipality or jurisdiction code, associated with the data row.
geom_geojson string This column contains GeoJSON formatted geographic data relevant to the data row.
geom_geotext string This column contains geospatial data in a text format relevant to the data row.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of geometric shape that the geospatial data in the row represents.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data for the row.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geometric center of the geospatial data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geometric center of the geospatial data.

Version History of Crime Scene Location Data from 2015

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is one of the columns that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value of this column is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is one of the columns that uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the data row.
TATORT string This column contains specific location information.
KOMKOD string This column holds a code that is associated with the data row.
geom_geojson string This column holds geographical data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains geographical data in text format.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of geographical data contained in the row.
geom_centroid string This column contains geographical data representing the centroid of the geographical object.
geom_center_x double This column holds the X-coordinate of the geographical object's center.
geom_center_y double This column holds the Y-coordinate of the geographical object's center.

2018 Geospatial Crime Scene Data Collection

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of the '_extract_date' and '_row_number' columns uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains specific names associated with the data.
TATORT string This column contains location data related to the entry.
KOMKOD string This column holds specific codes related to the data entry.
geom_geojson string This column contains the data in GeoJSON format, a format for encoding geographic data structures.
geom_geotext string This column contains textual representation of geographic data.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geographic data stored.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographic data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geographic data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geographic data.

Version History of Crime Scenes from 2006 in Geo-Spatial Format

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. This, along with '_row_number', uniquely identifies each row in the version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. This, along with '_start_date', uniquely identifies each row in the version history table.
NAMN string This column contains data specific to the dataset. The data's specific nature and usage will be defined by the dataset's owner.
TATORT string This column contains data specific to the dataset. The data's specific nature and usage will be defined by the dataset's owner.
KOMKOD string This column contains data specific to the dataset. The data's specific nature and usage will be defined by the dataset's owner.
geom_geojson string This column contains geometric data in GeoJSON format. The data represents the spatial features of the dataset.
geom_geotext string This column contains geometric data in text format. The data represents the spatial features of the dataset.
geom_type string This column contains the type of geometric data stored in the 'geom_geojson' and 'geom_geotext' columns.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data. The centroid is the center point of the geometric shape.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.

Crime Scene Geospatial Data Extracted from Swedish Land Survey - 2014 Edition

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column indicates the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the column '_extract_date'. Together with '_extract_date', it uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the row in the database.
TATORT string This column holds information related to the crime scene.
KOMKOD string This column contains a unique code associated with the row in the database.
geom_geojson string This column contains the GeoJSON representation of the geographical data associated with the row.
geom_geotext string This column contains the textual representation of the geographical data associated with the row.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geographical data associated with the row.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographical data associated with the row.
geom_center_x double This column represents the X coordinate of the central point of the geographical data associated with the row.
geom_center_y double This column represents the Y coordinate of the central point of the geographical data associated with the row.

Historical Version Tracking of Crime Scene Data from 2006 Shape Collection

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row was extracted from the data source. It is part of the unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
_end_date date The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this value is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is part of the unique identifier for each row in this version history table.
NAMN string A data column in the table.
TATORT string A data column in the table.
KOMKOD string A data column in the table.
geom_geojson string A data column in the table.
geom_geotext string A data column in the table.
geom_type string A data column in the table.
geom_centroid string A data column in the table.
geom_center_x double A data column in the table.
geom_center_y double A data column in the table.

2022 Crime Scene Areas: Geospatial Data with Attributes

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the specified extract date. It helps in uniquely identifying each row in combination with the '_extract_date' column.
NAMN string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
TATORT string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
KOMKOD string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_geojson string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_geotext string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_type string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_centroid string The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_center_x double The content of this column is currently undisclosed.
geom_center_y double The content of this column is currently undisclosed.

Historical Version Records of Base Table Rows for Crime Scene Data Since 2006

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It forms part of a unique identifier for each row in this version history table, in combination with the '_row_number' column.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value in this column is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row as it appears in the raw data extracted from the data source. It forms part of a unique identifier for each row in this version history table, in combination with the '_start_date' column.
NAMN string This column contains specific data related to the dataset, but without additional context, its specific content cannot be described.
TATORT string This column contains specific data related to the dataset, but without additional context, its specific content cannot be described.
KOMKOD string This column contains specific data related to the dataset, but without additional context, its specific content cannot be described.
geom_geojson string This column contains geometric data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains geometric data in a text format.
geom_type string This column describes the type of geometric data contained in the row.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid, or geometric center, of the shape defined by the geometric data in the row.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geometric center of the shape defined by the geometric data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geometric center of the shape defined by the geometric data.

2010 Crime Scene Geographic Information Table

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the source. It helps to keep track of when the data was gathered.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date. It, in combination with the '_extract_date' column, allows for the unique identification of each row.
NAMN string This column contains specific names related to the data in the table.
TATORT string This column contains data regarding the location of an event or incident.
KOMKOD string This column contains specific codes related to the data in the table.
geom_geojson string This column contains geographical data in GeoJSON format. GeoJSON is a format for encoding geographic data structures.
geom_geotext string This column contains geographical data in text format.
geom_type string This column indicates the type of the geographic data.
geom_centroid string This column refers to the geometric center, or centroid, of a shape in geographical data.
geom_center_x double This column refers to the x coordinate of the center of a shape in geographical data.
geom_center_y double This column refers to the y coordinate of the center of a shape in geographical data.

Historical Version Records of Base Table Rows in Crime Scene Dataset Collection from 2006

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column represents the date when each row was extracted from the data source. It forms part of a unique identifier for each row in the version history, along with '_row_number'.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of each row was extracted from the data source. If the value in this column is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of each row in the raw data extracted from the source. Together with '_start_date', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with each row in the data.
TATORT string This column contains the location information associated with each row in the data.
KOMKOD string This column contains the community code associated with each row in the data.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geographic data for each row in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geographic data for each row in text format.
geom_type string This column identifies the type of the geographic data associated with each row.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographic data associated with each row.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geographic data center for each row.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geographic data center for each row.

2013 Crime Scene Geospatial Data Overview

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date of extraction for the data on each row. This data is sourced from the Lantmäteriet (The Land Survey) website in Sweden.
_row_number long This column contains the row number of the data extracted from the source. Along with the '_extract_date', this column uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains names. The specific context of the names is dependent upon the table data.
TATORT string This column contains information related to the 'TATORT'. The specifics of this data would be dependent upon the table data.
KOMKOD string This column contains 'KOMKOD'. The specifics of this data is dependent on the table data.
geom_geojson string This column contains GeoJSON data, a format used for encoding geographic data structures.
geom_geotext string This column contains geospatial data in text format.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of geographical data contained in the table.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid or geometric center of a two-dimensional shape.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X coordinate of the geometric center of a two-dimensional shape.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y coordinate of the geometric center of a two-dimensional shape.

Historical Version Data of Crime Scene Area (2006 onwards)

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when each row was extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier for each row in combination with the '_row_number' column in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of each row was extracted from the data source. If the value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the row number of the raw data as extracted from the data source. Together with the '_start_date' column, it uniquely identifies each row in the table.
NAMN string This column contains a name associated with each row of data. The specific type of name is dependent on the context of the data source.
TATORT string This column contains a location associated with each row of data. The specific type of location is dependent on the context of the data source.
KOMKOD string This column contains a code associated with each row of data. The specific type of code is dependent on the context of the data source.
geom_geojson string This column contains geometric data in the form of GeoJSON, a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.
geom_geotext string This column contains geometric data in text format. It allows for a human-readable representation of the geographic data.
geom_type string This column identifies the type of geometric data contained in each row, such as point, line, or polygon.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data. The centroid is the geometric center of a shape.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the geometric center of each row's geographic data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the geometric center of each row's geographic data.

2019 Crime Scene Geographical Data Analysis

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row of the table was extracted from the source.
_row_number long This column holds the row number in the data extracted from the source on the extract date specified by the '_extract_date' column. It helps in uniquely identifying each row.
NAMN string This column contains data pertaining to the name. The specifics of what the name refers to are dependent on the context of the dataset.
TATORT string This column contains data relating to the crime scene. The specific nature of the crime scene information is dependent on the context of the dataset.
KOMKOD string This column holds the municipal code. The specific nature of the municipal code information is dependent on the context of the dataset.
geom_geojson string This column holds the geographic information in GeoJSON format. GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geographic information in textual format. It may contain coordinates or other geographical details.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geographic feature. It could be information such as point, line, polygon, etc.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographical feature. The centroid is the geometric center, or the average position of all the points in the shape.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X coordinate of the center of the geographical feature.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y coordinate of the center of the geographical feature.

Version History of Base Table Rows for Crime Scene Data (2019) from a Swedish Geographic Dataset Collection

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. It forms a unique identifier in combination with the '_row_number' column for each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this column contains a null value, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row as it appears in the raw data extracted from the data source. In combination with '_start_date', this forms a unique identifier for each row.
NAMN string This column contains data related to the name attribute of the row. The specific data it holds may vary based on the dataset.
TATORT string This column contains data related to the location attribute of the row. The specific data it holds may vary based on the dataset.
KOMKOD string This column contains data related to the code attribute of the row. The specific data it holds may vary based on the dataset.
geom_geojson string This column contains the GeoJSON representation of the geometry of the row.
geom_geotext string This column contains the textual representation of the geometry of the row.
geom_type string This column contains data indicating the type of geometry for the row.
geom_centroid string This column contains data representing the centroid of the geometry for the row.
geom_center_x double This column contains the X-coordinate of the center point of the geometry for the row.
geom_center_y double This column contains the Y-coordinate of the center point of the geometry for the row.

2017 Crime Scene Geographic Information from Swedish Land Survey

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the date specified by the '_extract_date' column. The combination of '_extract_date' and '_row_number' uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
TATORT string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
KOMKOD string This column contains unspecified data related to the dataset.
geom_geojson string This column contains the geojson representation of the geographical data.
geom_geotext string This column contains the geotext representation of the geographical data.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geographical data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geographical data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geographical data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geographical data.

Version History of Crime Scene Investigation Data (2006 onwards)

Column Type Comment
_start_date date This column contains the date when the row was extracted from the data source. Together with the '_row_number' column, it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_date date This column contains the date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If the value in this column is null, it means that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long This column contains the number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. It is used in conjunction with '_start_date' to uniquely identify each row in this version history table.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the row.
TATORT string This column contains the location information.
KOMKOD string This column contains the community code.
geom_geojson string This column contains the Geographical data in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string This column contains the Geographical data in text format.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of Geographical data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the Geographical data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the Geographical data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the Geographical data.

Geospatial Information of Crime Scenes in Sweden from 2006

Column Type Comment
_extract_date date This column contains the date when the data on the row was extracted from the data source.
_row_number long This column contains the row number in the data extracted from the source on the date specified by the '_extract_date' column. Together with '_extract_date', it uniquely identifies each row.
NAMN string This column contains the name associated with the data point.
TATORT string This column represents the crime scene associated with the data point.
KOMKOD string This column represents the municipality code associated with the data point.
geom_geojson string This column contains the GeoJSON representation of the geometric data.
geom_geotext string This column contains the textual representation of the geometric data.
geom_type string This column specifies the type of the geometric data.
geom_centroid string This column contains the centroid of the geometric data.
geom_center_x double This column contains the x-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.
geom_center_y double This column contains the y-coordinate of the center of the geometric data.

Historical Version Records of Crime Scene Area data from 2006 onwards

Column Type Comment
_start_date date The date when the row was extracted from the data source. Together with '_row_number', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
_end_date date The date when a new version of the row was extracted from the data source. If this value is null, it indicates that the row is the most recent version.
_row_number long The number of the row in the raw data extracted from the data source. Together with '_start_date', it uniquely identifies each row in this version history table.
NAMN string The name associated with the row.
TATORT string The place of the event associated with the row.
KOMKOD string The code associated with the row.
geom_geojson string The geographical representation of the row in GeoJSON format.
geom_geotext string The geographical representation of the row in text format.
geom_type string The type of the geographical representation of the row.
geom_centroid string The centroid of the geographical representation of the row.
geom_center_x double The x-coordinate of the center of the geographical representation of the row.
geom_center_y double The y-coordinate of the center of the geographical representation of the row.

Additional Info

Last Updated September 13, 2024
Created August 26, 2024